Chapter 379 Wealthy Qin Residence

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In Yue Jing City, contrasting sharply with the South District is the West District.

While the West District consists of simple and uneven flat houses, inhabited by laborers, small traders, and the like, the East District, on the other hand, is home to wealthy merchants and large households.

Though unable to live in the South District due to the lack of official positions, these families spare no expense in building magnificent estates, striving to outshine others nearby.

Some estates in the East District are so grand that they deter any thoughts of comparison. Not only do they surpass others in size and opulence, but the families residing within are also immensely wealthy merchants.

One such super estate situated in a corner of the East District is the Qin Residence, belonging to a prominent family.

Covering dozens of acres, the estate's size leaves anyone familiar with real estate prices in awe.

The Qin family is not only wealthy enough to rival a nation but also monopolizes a quarter of Yue's copper mining business. Rumor has it that their patriarch holds considerable influence in the court, with high-ranking officials advocating for them.

With such a prestigious background, the Qin family's servants exude confidence, speaking louder than those from other estates.

Qin Gui, the gatekeeper of the Qin Residence, thinks as such.

Every time someone comes to visit the master of the house, regardless of their background or official status, they treat Qin Gui with utmost respect, fearing to offend even slightly.

Over time, Qin Gui begins to feel as though he himself is a person of importance.

Thus, whenever someone brings a letter to see a member of the Qin family, some form of tribute is usually given. Otherwise, Qin Gui might delay delivering the message for three or four days before relaying it.

However, when it comes to individuals of high status, Qin Gui remains respectful and dutiful, showing the demeanor of a loyal servant.

He is particularly attentive to the young masters and misses who frequent the residence, going out of his way to assist them.

Surprisingly, this approach earns him the satisfaction of many of the masters. There are even rumors that he might soon be promoted to handle external affairs, overseeing business transactions elsewhere. Learning of this, Qin Gui feels even more pleased, feeling a spring in his step these days.

Currently, Qin Gui, having brought out a long bench, lies lazily in the shade at the entrance. Early this morning, the master of the house went out for business negotiations, while several young masters and misses, along with other young gentlemen, went to visit the nearby Chongshan Temple. Now, apart from a few ladies, only the widowed Miss Qin remains in the estate.

This allows Qin Gui to catch his breath and relax.

Just as Qin Gui starts to feel drowsy from the cool breeze, he suddenly hears a timid voice in front of him.

"Excuse me, is this the Qin Residence?"

Startled from his half-slumber, Qin Gui feels uncomfortable and blurts out angrily without opening his eyes, "Why the loud calling? Who's crying? Can't you see your master just laid down?"

Only after saying this does Qin Gui reluctantly open his eyes, his face contorted with annoyance.

His irritation stems from the perceived insignificance of the young man's voice, leading him to believe that the visitor is of low status.

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