Chapter 302: Countermeasures

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In the evening, Qin Yan paced anxiously in the living room of the Qin residence, his face displaying signs of worry.

Earlier that day, a servant who had gone to deliver food to Han Li reported that Han Li was nowhere to be found, as if he hadn't returned home all night. This didn't concern Qin Yan for Han Li's safety, but rather for the potential consequences if their bodyguard were to leave abruptly. How would the Qin family defend against attacks from the demonic cult?

"Qin Ping, go check if Young Master Han has returned. Report back immediately with any news!" Qin Yan instructed impatiently.

"Yes, sir," Qin Ping obediently replied, secretly pleased at Qin Yan's apparent concern for Young Master Han. It seemed that his prospects in the Qin family were looking up.

"Why worry so much, husband? It's normal for young people to go out occasionally. There's no need to be so anxious," Qin Yan's favorite concubine, the Third Lady, interjected, though her words carried a hint of bitterness.

Ever since Han Li arrived at the Qin residence, Qin Yan had kept him close, neglecting other young masters and misses of the Qin family, including the Third Lady's own children. Her jealousy was palpable.

"Humph, what do women know?" Qin Yan retorted, fully aware of his concubine's jealousy. He had bigger concerns than petty quarrels; the safety of his family was at stake.

Qin Yan's dismissive attitude only served to exacerbate the Third Lady's frustration, but she knew better than to provoke him further. Suppressing her resentment, she fell silent, her worry for Han Li adding to her irritation.

After some time, Qin Ping returned with a delighted expression. Bursting into the room, he announced, "Sir, Young Master Han has returned, along with some guests. He requests that you arrange accommodations nearby for them."

Relieved, Qin Yan agreed to Han Li's request without hesitation. "Let them stay at the nearby Qingyin Courtyard. Make sure to treat Young Master Han's guests with the utmost respect."

With another worried glance, the Third Lady voiced her concerns. "Isn't this a bit reckless, husband? Our family is prominent; allowing strangers to stay suddenly seems imprudent."

Qin Yan paused briefly, then waved his hand dismissively. "It's fine. Han Li's friends won't cause any trouble."

The Third Lady was left speechless by Qin Yan's indulgence towards Han Li.

Meanwhile, Han Li sat in his residence with five other companions from Mount Meng, discussing their recent actions. One of the companions spoke eagerly, recounting their success in rescuing a captive from a demonic cult.

Han Li, relying on his powerful spiritual sense, had successfully removed the blood curses from his companions, allowing them to infiltrate the cult's stronghold and rescue the captive with surprising ease.

However, Han Li was wary of his companions' loyalty. Without constant supervision, he couldn't be certain they would remain committed to their cause, despite his previous aid in removing their curses.

Aware of the fickle nature of human loyalty, Han Li was cautious. Today's ally might betray him tomorrow, especially when their own lives were at stake.

Nonetheless, Han Li had plans for the future. Once the current crisis was resolved, he intended to enlist helpers to gather alchemical formulas and medicinal ingredients, allowing him to focus solely on cultivation.

His companions, while not exceptionally powerful cultivators, were suitable candidates for this task. Han Li had no intention of resorting to coercive methods to control them; instead, he would observe their behavior and make decisions accordingly.

However, Han Li was aware that without sufficient incentives, even low-level cultivators wouldn't willingly serve as errand runners. He would need to spend time with them to assess their characters before making a final decision.

As they discussed their next move, Han Li's companions looked to him for guidance, impressed by his foresight and determination.

"Tonight, we act. The sooner we strike, the less prepared our enemies will be," Han Li declared, his eyes gleaming with determination.

"Tonight?" his companions exclaimed in surprise.

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