Chapter 17

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Shirou whispered the name to himself and ignited the magic hidden within the swords.


Gradually, the swords, projected from Shirou's being, shattered within the sea of bugs. Then, with a resounding "Boom," an explosion akin to thunder rent the air, with sparks blossoming like summer fireworks in the sky.

"Foolish, foolish, foolish," Matou Zouken called out as he stood in the midst of a sea of bugs that protected him from the explosion and flames. "How could something like this hurt this old man?"

Although the seventeen swords projected by the explosive magecraft were like the centers of fireworks, their flames and explosions did little to harm Zouken. However, the intense flash of the explosion was another matter. It was challenging for anyone to keep their eyes open, but for Matou Zouken, who had lived for centuries and had a body that had reached its limits, causing him to become highly sensitive to light, the flash was especially dazzling.

"When this light fades," Zouken thought, "I will definitely kill you!"

As the intense light subsided, Zouken looked around, expecting to find his attacker taking advantage of the situation. However, to his surprise, there was no one there. The field was completely empty.

Zouken wondered, "Did he run away? What was the point of releasing such a strong light if he wasn't going to use it to attack me?"

Despite feeling confused, Zouken reminded himself that the entire Matou family was under his control. He knew that if the person who had caused the explosion was still in the family, the bugs spread throughout the mansion would reveal his location. There was no way for him to escape.


Shirou knew that the key to victory was not brute strength, but achieving his goal. He wasn't fighting Matou Zouken to see if he could use the strength of the servant to defeat him.

So he used the most disgraceful tactics in modern warfare. The intense light and noise created by the explosion of seventeen projected swords briefly blind and deafen Matou Zouken, causing him to lose his sense of balance and direction. As a result, Matou Zouken, whose vision and hearing was sealed by "Broken Phantasm," could only use magecraft to explore and locate his position.

(p.s. Broken Phantasm - If a Noble Phantasm is packed with magical energy, it can be made to explode after striking its target. It is nearly impossible to repair a destroyed Noble Phantasm, and since they are the trump cards of Heroic Spirits, they are unlikely to take such measures. Emiya is an exception, as he can reproduce as many copies of Noble Phantasms as his magical energy will allow due to Tracing, allowing him to also counterbalance the fact that all of his projections are lowered by one rank.)

Therefore, Shirou used his own magecraft to create dozens of swords filled with as much magical energy as he could currently muster and scattered them around. Using these dozens of swords as a net to confuse Zouken, he rushed into the Matou mansion like an arrow.

If Emiya Kiritsugu was a magician killer specialized in modern weapons, then Shirou was a demi-servant who applied modern warfare concepts to battle.

The only concern was whether Matou Zouken had a means of detecting him directly, without relying on vision. Shirou didn't know the mysteries of magi, which he couldn't understand. All he could do was do his best.

Breaking into the Matou mansion, Shirou rushed around, opening doors and searching for Sakura's whereabouts, but he found nothing. However, he did find the young Matou Shinji in a room.

Shirou projected a sharp sword and held it to Matou Shinji's neck, threatening him in a dangerous tone. "Tell me, where is the girl who was adopted by the Matou family?"

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