Chapter 101

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Frowning, Shirou set aside his cup of instant noodles and stood at the door, gazing into the distance. Despite losing his Innate skill, Clairvoyance, from the shattered Saint Graph of Heroic Spirit Emiya, he could still make out a massive floating island above Shinto, covered in lush greenery. However, he couldn't see the details clearly.

The Evil Flower had absorbed so much malevolence that a sense of fear, terror, and anxiety hung thick in the air. Shirou knew all too well what this meant: Fuyuki City was in trouble once again!

As he scrutinized the floating island more closely, Shirou's eyes widened in recognition. The architecture was eerily familiar, and a sense of deja vu washed over him. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had seen it somewhere before.

Then, it hit him like a bolt of lightning. "It's Tsukimou Elementary School!" he blurted out, his voice filled with a surge of urgency.

Today was the day of the school sports festival, and Shirou remembered clearly that everyone, from students to parents, would be at the school. Sakura was a student at Tsukimou Elementary School, which meant that his mom and many of his friends and acquaintances would also be there, including Rin, Shinji, and Issei.

The thought of them being in danger made his heart skip a beat, and his hands trembled involuntarily.

"Go back!" he exclaimed urgently. "I need to hurry!"

Shirou's Evil manifested in the form of two large black wings, hoisting him into the air. As he ascended, Arcueid also sprouted two wings and pursued him, blocking Shirou's path with a steely gaze. "Are you finally ready to face me alone, Roa?" she demanded.

"I don't have time to play with you, Arcueid!" Shirou snapped. "Step aside and don't provoke me!"

"I'm not playing games with you, Roa!" Arcueid's voice was filled with a murderous intent that hung heavy in the air.

He pointed urgently behind Arcueid. "You need to turn around and see what's happening in the city!"

She turned her head and was momentarily stunned by the sight.

"Whether you choose to fight me or hear me out later is up to you," Shirou continued. "But for now, let me pass. Otherwise, I won't hesitate to use force!"

With that, Shirou flew towards the floating island, leaving the dazed Arcueid behind.

She hesitated for a moment before chasing after Shirou.

"Are you planning to stop me?" Shirou asked, giving her a cold stare.

"No, I'll accompany you first, and then end you," Arcueid declared.

Shirou's frosty gaze gradually softened as he nodded, "But before that, you must provide me with full support."

"Don't push your luck too far, Roa!" Arcueid warned, her eyes flashing with a deadly glint.

He remained silent, turning his wings into four powerful thrusters and blasting off toward the floating island.

She followed closely behind, manifesting her own to keep pace with him.

As he neared the floating island, he finally beheld its eerie landscape: a dense forest with an unsettling atmosphere. What caught his attention were the crimson fruits hanging from every plant, dripping blood onto the ground.

It was a sight that sent chills down his spine.

Arcueid was equally astonished by the scene. "The Forest of Einnashe?" she muttered.

"What?" he turned to her, his eyes widening in disbelief. "Is this really the Forest of Einnashe?"

She nodded, confirming his suspicions.

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