Chapter 140

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The people cheered.

"It's difficult to believe that someone can still shine in such a dire situation... but perhaps that's why Caliburn chose him," Gawain mused, observing Shirou's posture as if he had caught a glimpse of a ray of light.

They say he is a knight of the sun, with the radiance of the sun embedded in his body. Yet, in this moment, Gawain realized that the radiance he had always sought was something he had never recognized in himself.

"Artoria!" Shirou called out.


"Why are you just standing there? Take command of the troops!"

"Understood, my King!"

Despite the dire situation, my king still trusts me... Artoria thought, feeling a surge of determination. She tightened her grip on her weapon, then drew the Caliburn and held it high. "Listen up, everyone!" she commanded. "The basic strategy remains the same. Some of you will hold off the giants and lure them to the eastern mountains. Others will clear out the Dead Apostles while the rest join in to lure them to the west! The remaining knights will fight this monster with me! Our goal is to prevent it from unleashing that devastating magical attack from earlier!"


Faced with the threat of annihilation, the army's maneuvering improved significantly. With their prior experience, they quickly lured the giants to the eastern mountains while simultaneously leading the Dead Apostles away.

The battlefield suddenly widened, leaving only the Cath Palug standing amidst their formation, its eyes fixed on them with an intense gaze. However, there was a flaw in Artoria's strategy - they did not possess the strength to engage Cath Palug in battle!

As a Beast possessing the principle of Comparison, Cath Palug had the power to easily overwhelm all of Britain. To defeat it, they needed the Knights of the Round Table. However, the Knights had yet to exist. Their only option was to disrupt Cath Palug's light cannon and find a way to break the barrier before retreating.

Shirou informed Artoria of this crucial information, prompting her to quickly alter her strategy to one of delay and interference. However, they encountered yet another obstacle. The blood-like liquid surrounding Cath Palug was infused with curses and malice, rendering it impossible for them to approach the Beast.

With no other options available, Shirou sought out a secluded spot and secretly poured out the black mud from his pants. In an instant, a tide of black sludge covered the ground.

"Oh my god! What is this now?!" Bedivere couldn't help but exclaim.

The black mud was an embodiment of the world's evil, carrying within it the properties of malevolence and malice. The endless waves of evil thoughts and terrifying curses emanating from it gave people an ominous feeling, akin to that of the thick, cursed blood liquid surrounding Cath Palug.

"This thing is cursed... it's a cursed object!" the Archbishop exclaimed in horror.

To their surprise, the black sludge had no effect on them as it flowed over their bodies. However, when it came into contact with the thick blood-like liquid, it produced a horrific "sizzling" sound.

"Eat eat eat eat eat, humans, food, eat eat eat eat eat!!!"

"Rebellion, terror, destruction... deny, deny, deny... kill kill kill kill kill!!!"

Both evil were in confrontation!


White smoke rose from the boundary between the blood liquid and the malevolent black mud.

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