Chapter 122

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Kay frowned and expressed his concern, "Are you sure you don't want to hide first? They look arrogant, like they want to eat us."

Shirou laughed in response, undeterred as he stepped out the door, "That's perfect."

Kay furrowed his brows and turned to look at Shirou's back, perplexed. "Didn't this guy make every excuse to avoid trouble before? Why is he suddenly so proactive?"

Merlin patted his shoulder reassuringly and replied with a smile, "Because he has seen the goal."

Merlin then followed Shirou outside.

"So, does that mean we just have to walk through the rest of it?" Kay murmured to himself. "I really can't tell, was Guinevere always this confident?"

"Brother, the one chosen by Caliburn must be the ideal king." Artoria said seriously and then followed them out.

Kay was stunned for a moment, then followed them with a complicated expression on his face.

Shirou walked out of the door and headed towards the entrance of the estate. As he approached, his eyebrows raised in surprise when he saw the silver-armored knights surrounding the estate, with Ector leading the apprentice knights to stop them outside.

"Step aside! Give us the Sword in the Stone!" shouted one of the silver-armored knights.

"This must be a mistake! How could the king's sword be pulled out by a villager from the countryside? This must be a trick!" exclaimed another.

"Exactly! We're all knights, how can we submit to a person of unknown origin?" added a third.

"A king chosen by destiny? Such a thing could not possibly exist!" protested a fourth knight.

The knights roared and surged forward, their faces twisted with madness. They had been waiting for this day for too long. Since King Uther and Merlin declared ten years ago that anyone who pulled the Sword in the Stone could inherit the throne, they had been training their martial arts, either under pressure from their family elders or out of their own ambitions, eagerly anticipating this day.

The knights held the king in high regard and were more than willing to place their trust in his hands to prove their valor. However, when someone like this nobody managed to extract the sword, they were filled with dissatisfaction.

Not everyone was like Artoria, who had trained day and night for fifteen years and was able to accept the idea of becoming someone else's knight just because it seemed like the right thing to do.

It was unthinkable for them to accept the authority of a complete stranger who had appeared out of nowhere, sitting atop their heads and issuing commands. They might have been willing to accept someone like Gawain, the illustrious prince who was blessed by the sun, if he had managed to extract the sword. However, they could never concede to a nobody.

This act of someone else taking the throne felt like a blot on their honor.

"Everyone, please calm down! Please!" Ector bellowed, desperately attempting to restore order.

Attacking these knights was out of the question. Not only were they the kingdom's frontline defenders against Vortigern, but the intricate web of relationships between each knight was enough to bind his hands and feet.

"Do you see? These guys have gone completely insane!" Kay spread his arms in a gesture of helplessness as he spoke to Shirou. "That's why I advised you to hide."

"My brother is correct, my king." Artoria cast a brief glance at the knights before addressing Shirou. "Their jealousy has clouded their judgment, but they have no real power to undermine your claim to the throne. As per the agreement made by Uther and acknowledged by the Church and other kings, the one who draws the Sword is the rightful king of Britain. You needn't pay heed to their protests. Simply await the arrival of Baldwin and the others, who will oversee the proceedings and crown you accordingly."

Fate: I Will Eventually Become the Hero of JusticeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora