Chapter 104

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Zepia Eltnam Oberon stood atop Mount Enzou, his eyes fixed on the gaping hole in the sky. He threw his head back and laughed, a wild, uncontrollable sound that echoed through the mountains.

As a prominent alchemist of the Clock Tower, Zepia had once loved humanity deeply. But as he failed time and time again to calculate a way to avoid their destruction, he had slowly gone mad. He had finally concluded that the only way to prevent humanity's demise was to achieve the Sixth Law. Unfortunately, the only way to do it was to make a perilous journey to the Root and back again

But the journey to the Root was treacherous, with both Gaia and Alaya using all their power to prevent magi from reaching it. Gaia would summon the monsters it created, while Alaya would directly summon Heroic Spirits from the Throne of Heroes to stop the magi.

Due to their true nature as genuine Heroic Spirits, they were of a higher caliber than the Servants who participated in the Holy Grail War. Their power was immense, so it was nearly impossible for a person to mess with the "Law" during their lifetime. Recognizing this, Zepia Eltnam Oberon made a fateful decision. He chose to become a Dead Apostle, voluntarily joining the ranks of the twenty-seven Ancestors.

The twenty-seven Ancestors were the origin of the non-human Dead Apostles, akin to vampires. The Church had managed to seal most of them, and some had already been destroyed due to their age. Nonetheless, the Ancestors still held their positions, as the Dead Apostles under their command inherited their ranks when they disappeared.

There was no hierarchy of strength among the twenty-seven Ancestors, as their power levels varied greatly. Most of them possessed power levels on par with that of an average Servant, while the top few were virtually unfathomable monsters.

Primate Murder was one such monster, known as the White Beast, the Monster of Gaia, and the true form of Fou in 'FGO'. Meanwhile, the fourth Ancestor was the Wizard Marshall Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, who dabbled in the Greater Holy Grail ritual system and was also a user of the Second Magic

After becoming a Dead Apostle, Zepia's obsession with the Sixth Law drove him to complete his Reality Marble, which could absorb people's anxiety and fear and make them manifest. He even used it in Wallachia, Romania, where he tapped into the people's fear of Vlad the Impaler to create terrifying vampire that slaughtered the city's entire population overnight. His atrocities earned him the infamous nickname "Night of Wallachia" from the Holy Church.

Despite his Reality Marble being overwhelmed by Shirou's Evil Flower, Zepia possessed strength that rivaled an average Servant.

However, his obsessive pursuit of the Sixth Law over many years caused him to forget his original intention to find a way to avoid the destruction of humanity. He became a madman, consumed by his pursuit of the Sixth Law, and would stop at nothing to achieve it.

In many ways, Zepia bore similarities to Matou Zouken, both consumed by their obsessions and willing to sacrifice anything to achieve their ends.

Initially, Britain was the ideal location for experimenting with the Sixth Law, as it was considered equivalent to the umbilical cord of the world. However, the Clock Tower's headquarters were situated there, and the Second Magic User was known to frequent the area. As a result, Zepia decided to give up on it.

A few months ago, he discovered that the Third Magic of the Einzbern Experiment had been achieved in Fuyuki City, but it had been used to reverse life and death by someone else. Although Zepia wasn't interested in the Third Magic, he was fascinated by the ritual system that had been used to achieve it. He only needs to borrow the ritual system of the Third Magic and use the lingering aura of the connected Law to create a hole in the space.

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