Chapter 164

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After some thought, Shirou had come to the difficult decision of abandoning Camelot. However, this choice also meant forfeiting any hope of reclaiming Wales.

Geographically, the island of Britain is divided into three distinct regions: Scotland situated to the north, England positioned to the south, and Wales located to the west.

At present, the Picts have control over Scotland, while the Saxons have taken over the northern region of England, centered around the city of Londinium. Meanwhile, the central part of England, up to Hadrian's Wall, is under the governance of the Northern Kings and the Dead Apostles.

Located on the boundary between Wales and England, Camelot serves as a crucial stronghold. Should Vortigern succeed in overtaking it, Wales would inevitably succumb to his grasp.

Vortigern's reign extends over both the Picts and the Saxons, making him the most formidable force in the region. Consequently, the southwestern part of England is the only viable option left for Shirou to consider.

Within this region, there is but one place that possesses the potential to establish a new kingdom and initiate a rebellion - Cornwall!

Situated at the extreme southwestern point of England, Cornwall is flanked by the Atlantic Ocean to the west and north, and the English Channel to the south. Across the sea lies Gaul, and Cornwall is blessed with abundant mineral resources.

In bygone times, Cornwall was an independent kingdom. However, it eventually rebelled against the ruling forces and was subdued by Brastias, becoming a territory under the jurisdiction of Camelot.

Over the past decade, Ywain and Baldwin, fearful of Cornwall's potential resurgence, launched multiple offensives that significantly weakened the region. Nevertheless, with no other options available, Shirou is left with no choice but to retreat to Cornwall.

Perhaps the most significant advantage of Cornwall is the presence of numerous mountains that act as a natural barrier against monster attacks. In addition, constructing defensive walls would further aid in safeguarding the region and reduce the need for excess manpower.


Shirou gazed down at his coronation plan, feeling overwhelmed with despair. Despite having surveyed the entirety of Camelot, he had overlooked the importance of assessing Cornwall. As a result, he had neglected to include any development plans for the region in his strategy.

Now, he was faced with the task of building his foundation in Cornwall, a daunting challenge. Disheartened, Shirou shook his head and tore up the development plan he had spent countless hours formulating, tossing it into the flames.


For straightforward knights like Gawain, the notion of persuading people to abandon their homes and migrate elsewhere was a challenging prospect. However, Shirou managed to achieve this feat with relative ease.

He painted a grim picture, informing them that Vortigern had already breached the Barton Fortress and that Camelot was in grave peril. If they failed to evacuate the area, Vortigern would lay siege to Caerleon and plunge the region into chaos. He warned that they would all be vulnerable to monster attacks and have no hope of survival.

The only chance for survival, Shirou proclaimed, was to follow him and migrate to a safer location. With his leadership, they could have a fighting chance at living to see another day.

The people were gripped with fear and anxiety, uncertain of their fate. In this moment of crisis, Shirou relied on his authority as their leader and brandished his crown, urging them to trust him and follow him to a safer place where they could rebuild their lives.

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