Chapter 126

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Shirou strode confidently down the town's main road, which led straight to the central Town Hall. He held his head high and his chest out, exuding an air of self-assurance.

As he approached the central Town Hall, he noticed a group of knights already waiting for him. They were impeccably dressed, and their leader was a friendly-looking, middle-aged man with a bit of extra weight.

Ector sidled up to Shirou and whispered in his ear, "That portly fellow over there is Sir Ywain."

Shirou gave a subtle nod and focused his gaze on Sir Ywain, studying him closely while keeping his own emotions hidden.

Sir Ywain greeted them with a friendly smile that made Shirou feel at ease, but he couldn't help feeling cautious. In his experience, people who appeared affable and held high positions were often the most challenging to deal with. Nevertheless, Shirou remained guarded and kept his wariness hidden.

Shirou glanced over his shoulder to check the expressions of the people standing behind him.

He ignored Artoria and Kay since they were unfamiliar with Sir Ywain. Instead, he focused on Ector and Merlin, studying their expressions carefully, with a particular interest in Merlin's reactions. He cast a few extra glances at the latter.

Ector's expression appeared neutral, but Merlin's face was alight with a smile that resembled that of an audience member watching an exciting drama.

Merlin noticed Shirou's gaze and touched his own face, asking, "Why are you staring at me, my king 'Arthur'?"

Shirou grinned and replied, "Nothing in particular, just admiring the beauty of Magus Merlin."

Although he lacked clairvoyance, Shirou had a sense of what was going on just by observing Merlin's expression.

Merlin's playful smile hinted that he had picked up on something significant. Shirou had a feeling that this meeting was not going to be a straightforward one, so he kept his guard up, preparing himself for whatever might come his way.

The group arrived in front of Sir Ywain, who was waiting for them.

Rather than addressing Shirou right away, Sir Ywain's attention was drawn to Ector, and he greeted him with a beaming smile. "Sir Ector! It's been ten years since we last met in the royal city! Look at me, I've put on some weight!"

Sir Ywain playfully patted his belly and grinned at Ector.

Shirou raised an eyebrow, wondering if this was some sort of joke. Artoria noticed his reaction and furrowed her brow, taking a step closer to him.

Ector squinted slightly before offering a reassuring smile to Shirou. "My king, Sir Ywain and I go way back! He's just happy to see an old friend and got a bit carried away."

Shirou couldn't help but wonder if they were playing some sort of political prank on him. He cast a casual glance at Merlin, who continued to wear a smile on his face. After a moment of thought, he spoke up. "I understand completely. Sir Ywain was so happy to see an old friend that he forgot to greet me. It's understandable to get caught up in the moment."

Shirou subtly acknowledged Sir Ywain's blunder and graciously gave him an out.

Sir Ywain apologized profusely, "I'm terribly sorry, how rude of me! I completely forgot where I was!"

Sir Ywain then greeted Shirou with sincere respect and a friendly smile, asking, "You're the successor who pulled the sword from the stone, aren't you?"

He didn't directly answer Sir Ywain's question, but instead replied, "I am Arthur, the son of Uther Pendragon."

Sir Ywain's smile widened, and he raised an eyebrow, impressed. "Your name is ringing throughout the land, successor! The people know that you, as the son of Uther Pendragon, are the embodiment of the British Red Dragon, destined to defeat the White Dragon!" He gestured towards the cheering crowd as if to emphasize his point.

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