Chapter 91

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Shirou approached Ilya, his face filled with worry. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

Ilya's eyes welled up with tears as she turned to face him. "No, I'm fine," she whispered in a small voice.

Despite her assurances, it was evident that she was still shaken. Shirou reached into his backpack and produced a box of bean paste dumplings, hoping to provide some comfort. "Here, have these. They're delicious,"

Ilya's eyes lit up at the sight of the dumplings, and she looked up at Shirou with an innocent smile. "Is big brother giving these to me?"

"Of course," Shirou replied, his own smile widening.

Ilya thanked him, her smile growing even brighter. She looked like a sprite from a fairy tale, sparkling with joy.

Instead of taking the dumplings, however, Ilya reached into her pocket and took out a black notebook. She wrote something on it with a pen.

Curious, Shirou asked, "What are you writing?"

"Kiritsugu always said to remember the happy things," Ilya explained as she drew pictures in her black notebook. "So I write down all my good memories. Today is April 5th, 1994, and it's sunny. I received my first gift..."

Just then, the door of a black car opened, and a golden-haired girl who appeared only slightly older than Ilya rushed over. "Hey! Is anyone hurt?" she asked anxiously.

Ilya continued writing in her notebook. "The big brother who gave me my first gift is named Fujimaru Shirou..."

"I'm calling you!" the golden-haired girl repeated, growing increasingly anxious.

Shirou smiled and answered on Ilya's behalf. "She's not called 'Hey', she's called Ilya."

Ilya looked up from her notebook, a confused expression on her face. "Big brother, are you calling me?"

Shirou gestured toward the golden-haired girl. "She's the one calling you."

Ilya swiveled towards the golden-haired girl, her expression still curious. "Sister, are you calling me?"

The blond girl's lips twitched as she asked again, "Are you okay? Are you injured?"

"Nope, I'm fine," Ilya responded.

The blond girl then extended her hand, offering a red gem to Ilya. "Here, take this."

Ilya looked confused. "Why are you giving this to me?"

The blond girl's expression grew taut as she tried to mask her frustration. "It's a form of spiritual compensation from the Edelfelt family," she explained with a noticeable edge in her voice. Then she spun around and strode away.

Ilya was left standing there, befuddled and unsure of what just happened.

Shirou smiled and said, "That's a gift from that sister."

Ilya's face lit up. "Oh, now I understand! I got two gifts today. The second one is a bit odd, it's called spiritual compensation."

Shirou took Ilya's hand. "Come on, Ilya. Let me take you to Kiritsugu."

"Okay," She eagerly grabbed Shirou's hand.

Shirou couldn't resist asking, "Ilya, when did you arrive in Fuyuki City?"

With a smile on her face, Ilya replied, "I just got here last night."

Shirou let out a sigh, thinking to himself, 'That guy Kiritsugu must have a big heart to not be worried about his daughter being kidnapped.'

As he held Ilya's hand, she led him toward Kiritsugu.

Along the way, Ilya turned to Shirou and asked, "By the way, does big brother also know Kiritsugu?"

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