Chapter 96

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The air was filled with a voice dripping with malice, as if it had been summoned straight from the depths of hell.

Shirou's body radiated evil energy as he brought his two massive, jagged arms crashing down towards Arcueid.

However, in the next instant, two similar giant hands mysteriously appeared on either side of Arcueid, blocking Shirou's attack.

'Marble Phantasm! It's Arcueid, all right!'

As black mud churned in his belly, he extended a huge hand and propelled himself into the sky, his back sprouting two massive black wings that carried him higher into the clouds. As he soared, the mud in his belly flowed, slowly mending the stab wound and healing his body.

"Don't even think about getting away!" Arcueid also grew wings, taking flight and pursuing Shirou in an attempt to kill him.

Shirou projected fifty-six swords, launching them at Arcueid.

But Arcueid immediately countered by manifesting an equal number of swords, shooting them back at him.

Shirou was speechless.

He now understood the feeling Gilgamesh must have had when they faced off against each other.

Arcueid Brunestud, also known as the White Princess, was a prominent figure in the world of "Tsukihime". She possessed the power of "Marble Phantasm", one of the top abilities in the Nasuverse, which allowed her to materialize anything she could imagine through the power of her mind.

When she came face to face with Shirou's black hands, she utilized the "Marble Phantasm" to create a massive hand that blocked his attack and duplicated his projection swords.

The origin of the world was intricately tied to Arcueid's story. Approximately 14,000 years ago, a comet known as the Wandering Star visited the Milky Way and cast three Anti-Cells into the solar system.

One of these three Anti-Cells was Sefar, who descended to Earth and wreaked havoc, ultimately destroying most of mankind's earliest civilizations, including Atlantis in an event that would be remembered as the Leukosmachia. However, Sefar was eventually killed by the wielder of the Holy Sword.

Even so, Sefar had successfully burned to ash 80% of the planet's surface, not only killing most of the plants, animals, and humans but even the gods themselves. The gods saw that the planet was breaking away from nature and that humans would soon take control of the world.

In order to coexist with humans and maintain control over them, the gods created the Wedge of Heaven, and Gilgamesh was born, designed, as king and the Wedge of Heaven to connect the rising humans and the fading gods

However, Gilgamesh rebelled against the gods and eventually chose to side with humans, betraying the gods and causing the separation of humans and gods. This led to the inevitable destruction of the Age of Gods and marked the beginning of the Age of Man. The planet also broke free from the control of nature and Mystery began to fade.

Three thousand years ago, after the death of King Solomon, the rate of Mystery's decline accelerated and the Age of Gods came to a close. By the 1st century AD, the Age of Gods on the continent had virtually disappeared. By the 5th century AD, after the fall of King Arthur, the remaining Mystery left by the gods was extinct and most Phantasmal Species choose to go into hiding.

As the power of humanity continued to grow, it was precisely what the planet's consciousness, Gaia, had feared before the Age of Gods, but it was powerless to solve the problem.

Brunestud the Crimson Moon had a sinister plan. He made a deal with Gaia, tricking her into allowing him to live on Earth in exchange for protection against human corruption.

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