Chapter 107

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"Ugh..." Shirou groaned and slowly opened his eyes, feeling aches pulsating through his head and abdomen. Had he not escaped the path to the "Root" yet? As he sat up, his whole body screamed in soreness.

He muttered to himself, attempting to shake off the disorientation, but froze when he realized he was not in the familiar environment he had expected. Standing up and nervously looking around, His brow furrowed. Where was this? It was a strange place, or perhaps it was better to call it a room?

Shirou scanned the room, taking note of the deep cracks that covered the walls. He could feel a cold wind blowing in from outside, and as he looked up slightly, he saw a huge hole in the ceiling that let in a thin stream of sunlight. Was this a thatched hut?

Suddenly, his nose detected a damp and slightly putrid odor emanating from the corner of the room. He turned his head and saw a pile of grass, which made him swallow hard and his face become slightly unnatural.

The walls were made of mud, and rubble and weeds were strewn in the corners. As Shirou looked down, he realized that he was lying on something. He reached out and touched it, trying to determine what it was.

"Could it be a straw?"

Where had he been thrown into?

"Chatter Chatter..."

From outside, a graceful figure walked slowly into the room, a girl wearing a brown dress adorned with silver scales that shone with elegance and nobility, a stark contrast to the dilapidated surroundings. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked at Shirou, her eyes curious.

"Chatter Chatter..."

Her voice was soft and melodic as she spoke, but all he could hear was a jumble of nonsensical words.

Shirou: "???"

He didn't understand what the girl was saying, but the unfamiliar situation triggered an instinctive sense of wariness within him. He carefully scrutinized the girl, searching for any clues about her intentions.

She appeared to be around fourteen years old, with a beautiful, youthful face that was framed by long, lustrous black hair. Her locks cascaded down her back in waves, lending her an air of elegance and grace. Her bright blue eyes seemed to mirror Shirou's own appearance, sparkling with intelligence and curiosity.

But that wasn't the most striking thing. The girl's face bore an uncanny resemblance to his own. A distant cousin, perhaps?

But he couldn't recall his parents ever mentioning having a relative with such a striking resemblance.

And then there was that dreamlike dress... no one besides actors in stage plays and TV dramas should be wearing something like that, right?

As the girl continued speaking, she reached out to touch Shirou's cheek. Instinctively, he grasped her wrist and asked, "Excuse me, but who are you, and where am I?"

Despite his grip on her wrist, the girl seemed surprisingly calm. Her expression was warm, with a hint of doubt. However, as soon as he spoke, the girl's demeanor suddenly changed.

Her delicate face contorted with fear, and her eyes flickered with terror, as though she had been caught by some kind of monster. She struggled to free her hand and then shouted in a panicked voice.

Shirou gazed at her with a bewildered expression, completely at a loss. He couldn't make sense of anything that was happening!

Suddenly, several heavy male voices were heard outside the door, followed by the clamor of armored soldiers rushing in, pulling out their swords and pointing them at Shirou. The girl quickly took cover behind the soldiers, her eyes wide with fear as she peered out at him.

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