Chapter 118

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After walking through the farmland, Shirou and Kay arrived at the gate surrounding the town. Today, the atmosphere was different from the past as everyone impatiently made their way to the mountain outside the town.

The children rushed out noisily, while the adults hurried towards the mountain with their eyes shining with anticipation. Shirou and Kay quickly followed suit.

Along the way, some familiar people greeted Shirou, "Oh! Isn't this Guinevere? Are you here too? That's great! You're also a squire under Sir Ector. Maybe you'll have a chance to pull out the sword from the stone and become a king!"

Shirou smiled and responded to them, but he didn't take their remarks seriously. He knew the sword in the stone had already been predetermined and enchanted, so no one except Artoria could pull it out.

As they strolled along, he and Kay were greeted by numerous people.

Kay's spirits sank, and he couldn't help but ask, "You've only been here for a year, and for nearly nine months, you didn't even speak. So why is it that everyone greets you?"

Shirou chuckled and pointed his finger towards Kay's mouth. "Maybe because I don't have a foul mouth like you."

Kay was taken aback for a moment before pouting in annoyance. For some reason, he felt like snapping back at everyone except for Shirou and Artoria.

The two followed the crowd and made their way along the road towards the mountain, a wonder just outside of town. From afar, it resembled a square-shaped marble stone, not quite large enough to be considered a mountain. Yet, the locals called it Stone Mountain, as it was rumored to have an actual mountain buried beneath the stone's surface.

At some point, the two caught sight of a golden sword erected on Stone Mountain, its blade drawn from its sheath and glimmering brightly under the sun.

As the crowd continued to grow, an elderly man in priestly garb emerged from the crowd.

"Look, it's the Archbishop!" someone exclaimed, with others quickly echoing the sentiment.

"Today, the successor to the king will finally be chosen from among the knights!"


The crowd stirred with anticipation. Despite the northern kings forming a united front to keep Vortigern and the Saxons at bay, the crisis of survival had been pressing on the people of Britain, and fear pervaded their hearts. This fear grew even greater after the passing of King Uther.

Thankfully, Merlin had prophesied that someone would inherit King Uther's will, defeat Vortigern, and bring stability to the people. This prophecy brought a measure of peace to the hearts of the people as they waited for the appearance of the new king.

The knights, too, felt relieved by the prophecy, but also restless, wondering if they would be chosen as the new king.

And now, the day of selection has finally arrived!

The Archbishop gazed out at the restless knights from atop Stone Mountain and made a resounding proclamation, "Today marks the appearance of the successor to King Uther! This individual is the rightful heir to the throne of Camelot, embodying the very essence of the Red Dragon. It is he who will rally the Knights, defeat the White Dragon, and unite all of Britain! And lo, he shall arrive here today! So, I call upon you, knights of Camelot! Draw forth the sword! For this holy blade calls out for victory and serves as the one true testament of a king, surpassing even that of royal blood! Whosoever can draw forth this sword shall be deemed the one destined to rule Britain!"

"Draw the sword!"

"Draw the sword!" the crowd shouted.


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