Chapter 24

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After being coaxed into a good mood, Scathach ended the dream, causing Shirou to wake up and find that he was "wet" again.

In the dream, Shirou was killed 56 times by Scathach, and the tension and excitement of life and death caused his adrenaline to surge, leading to his entire bed being soaked with sweat.

Fortunately, Shirou did not sleep with Sakura the previous night, otherwise he would likely have been misunderstood as wetting the bed, which would have been very embarrassing.

On this day, Mr. Fujimaru, who had completed the contract, had to go to the company first to hand over his work to his colleagues before he could take a complete vacation. Mrs. Fujimaru, on the other hand, wanted to consult with Shirou and Sakura about where to go and decided to purchase food for the trip. After all, buying things at tourist attractions can be several times more expensive, and it is a housewife's duty to make the trip as economical as possible.

However, Shirou couldn't get excited about it.

Facing the rapidly approaching Fourth Holy Grail War, Shirou must make an effort to preserve his own life. Yes, he had learned from Scathach that the Fourth Holy Grail War had already started, and only the final two Servants were on their way. So they will be here in two or three days?

Shirou did not know, but this was indeed the last day he could prepare for the Holy Grail War. The three families had prepared for the war for sixty years, and the other participants also prepared for at least half a year, but he, the unlucky one, had less than three days of preparation time.


Had he planned on participating from the start, he would have had at least a month to prepare. But as he had always wanted to avoid it, he was left with only three days to get ready.

Isn't this also a form of unforeseen punishment? The clown, who had hoped to break free from the script written by the goddess of fate, is ultimately punished by the goddess.

While Sakura and Mrs. Fujimaru went to the department store to buy snacks for the trip, Shirou stayed home, drawing up his own battle plans on paper with a pen. In his previous life as one of China's 450 million urban youth, Shirou, like many of his peers, was known for his focus on career planning. Therefore, whenever he set out to do something, he always liked to make a list of his plans first.

Despite this, Shirou didn't rush through the process of writing his plan. Instead, he first took the time to recall the general events of the Fourth Holy Grail War, and then systematically listed and analyzed them one by one. The only uncertainty he faced was not knowing when the timeline had been disrupted, leading to a chain of butterfly effects.

Initially, it was Sakura who had run away from home and then he replaced the role of Caster in place of Gilles de Rais. Since Sakura was not passed down to the Matou family, Matou Kariya was not altered, which in turn prevented him from participating in the war as a combatant. Additionally, Berserker was not Lancelot, but rather Spartacus.

Did the other servants change as well?

Shirou didn't know this, and could only consider the worst-case scenario.

"If both the characters and plot have changed, then I really don't stand a chance of winning at all!"

Shirou sighed, feeling a headache coming on. The only person he could be sure of was Archer Gilgamesh, whom he had seen in person. He had no way of knowing if anyone else had changed. He also had no understanding of how the butterfly effect had come into play. If the Servants and even the Masters had undergone complete transformations, he knew he would be in deep trouble.

Shirou knew he was not as strong as others, and he couldn't outmaneuver them with strategic thinking. His only advantage lay in his familiarity with the plot and character setting. If even that was taken away from him, then his best option would be to enjoy himself by eating and drinking well, and then wash his neck clean and wait to be slaughtered.

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