Chapter 128

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The night sky was breathtakingly beautiful with its dazzling display of stars. Beyond the city limits lay a vast expanse of suburban wilderness.

Kay lay back, resting his hands behind his head and chewing on a piece of grass as he gazed up at the moon, which hung high in the sky like a shimmering silver plate. The stars twinkled like a sparkling sea, creating a stunning display.

Shirou approached him slowly and asked, "What's on your mind, Kay?"

Kay sat up and turned towards Shirou. "I'm thinking about us."

Shirou sat down next to him, smiling. "I'm all ears,"

"I'm trying to figure out Sir Ywain," Kay replied. "Sir Brastias has already acknowledged your right to succeed, so why not go straight to Camelot with Sir Ywain?"

"The coronation ceremony takes three months," Shirou explained. "Rather than wasting that time in Camelot, it would be more beneficial to travel across the country and raise awareness about Arthur to ensure that more people know about him."

Kay furrowed his brow in thought. He knew that Shirou wouldn't make any decisions without good reason, so he tried to understand the rationale behind his friend's decision. However, after a moment's consideration, he shook his head and gave up, realizing he couldn't grasp the full extent of Shirou's plan.

He didn't feel comfortable with strategies and tactics. He would rather be on the battlefield, fighting alongside his comrades against the enemy. Just like in that dream world, where he fought against Artoria.

Even though he could only defend himself against Artoria's attacks in that dream world, Kay still felt the rush of being on the battlefield, wielding his sword, and engaging in strategic battles. It was the thrill he craved and longed for.

Kay posed a question to Shirou, "You've succeeded Artoria, inherited the name 'Arthur,' and even the throne. How would you like me to address you? As Arthur or Guinevere?"

Shirou chuckled, "You talk too much, like an older brother standing up for his unfairly treated little sister. You can call me either Guinevere or Arthur, whichever you prefer. A name is simply a label, I am still the same person."

Kay gazed at Shirou for a long moment before finally asking, "Do you truly intend to return the throne to Artoria?"

He turned to Kay, wearing a peculiar expression, and replied, "Why do you think I would covet this throne?"

"That's because so many people aspire to become king. The Northern Kings and the former King Uther were once just lords of Britain, but when the Roman Empire fell and was unable to govern the area anymore, they became kings."

He understood Kay's concern and asked, "Are you worried that once I ascend to the throne, I will become greedy and refuse to relinquish it?"

Kay nodded and replied honestly, "I won't be hypocritical with you, so I'll tell you the truth. Yes, I am worried about that."

Shirou reassured Kay with a smile, "There's no need to worry about that. Even if you made me the ruler of this world, I wouldn't be interested."

Kay looked at Shirou's sincere attitude and couldn't help but ask, "Why?"

"Being a king would be too exhausting, and the enjoyment it brings in this world isn't comparable to living a normal life in my own world. To be honest, my ultimate goal is to return home, buy a few houses, marry a good woman, and have two children, a boy and a girl. That would be sufficient...oh, wait! It's not enough! In addition to that, I also want to become a wealthy man! This is the one thing I cannot overlook!"

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