Chapter 95

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On April 9th, 1994, Shirou kept his promise to Ilya and took her for a walk. As they strolled, Ilya was busy doodling in her notebook, capturing every experience they had in Fuyuki City.

Suddenly, a voice caught Shirou's attention. He turned to see Shinji, a blue-haired boy, sitting on a red bench and waving at him from the bed of a small truck.

In the driver's seat was a young man with a similar appearance, holding a cheap cigarette in his mouth and giving off the impression of a greasy middle-aged uncle. The back of the truck was surrounded by boxes of snacks, including bubble gum and chips.

Shinji put down his textbook and climbed out of the truck, walking towards Shirou.

"Hey Shinji, how's it going?" Shirou greeted him with a nod, then asked, "So, what's going on with your family's store?"

"Nah, nothing's happening with the store," Shinji replied, shaking his head. "Why do you ask?"

"Just curious," Shirou said with a shrug, gesturing towards the truck. "What's with the truck then?"

"Don't you remember? Tomorrow's the school sports festival. There's bound to be a lot of people, including parents, coming to watch. And where there are a lot of people, there's a market. That's why I suggested to my dad that we should move our goods close to the school and set up shop at the entrance gate." Shinji explained.

Shinji then handed Shirou a pink towel. "This one's for you."

Shirou noticed the familiar style of the towel and asked, "Did you spread the rumor that I like pink?"

Shinji felt embarrassed and chuckled awkwardly, avoiding eye contact with Shirou. "Uh, this... hahaha..."

Shirou sighed, "You really have a knack for business, don't you?"

Shinji's gaze then fell on Ilya. "And who might this be?"

"I'm Ilyasviel von Einzbern, but you can call me Ilya. Nice to meet you, big brother," Ilya introduced herself with a smile.

Shinji reached into his pocket and took out two pieces of candy. "These are our homemade milk candies. They're really good. Here you go, Ilya."

"Thank you, big brother," Ilya gratefully accepted the candies.

"No need to thank me. Just in case someone asks where you got the candy from later, you can tell them you bought it from the Matou Convenience Store located at 70 on third east commercial street in Shinto. And don't forget our order hotline, it's 031-5776-65..."

Shirou couldn't help but interrupt, "Hey! Shinji, don't advertise here!"

Shinji looked embarrassed as he rubbed the back of his head. "Oh, sorry, I just got carried away."

"Shinji!" The young man driving the truck called out.

"I have to go. My dad needs me. I still have to memorize 100 words, an article, do some deliveries, and post some ads. I have a lot on my plate today. See you later, Shirou. Come play at my place sometime and don't forget to treat me to your mom's goat milk dessert!" Shinji said as he waved goodbye to Shirou.

As he watched the Matou father and son leave, Shirou couldn't help but smile.

The Fourth Holy Grail War brought a lot of destruction, including the destruction of Miyama's old town. But it also brought some positive changes.

Due to the devastating effects of the war, all of Miyama town's old infrastructure was completely destroyed, providing an opportunity for the city to be rebuilt and modernized.

Shirou's actions during the war also helped to bring hope back to the people, who had previously lost all hope. Some individuals, who were once doomed to die, survived and found new paths in life. Shinji and his father, Byakuya, were among them.

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