Chapter 179

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Although nationalizing the land may seem like a solution, Shirou must exercise caution due to the social norms and power dynamics of the ancient era. As most of the land belongs to the nobles, he cannot act recklessly without risking the loyalty of those who have supported him in the past. While Cornwall may be an exception with weaker noble influence, promoting this idea to cities like Tintagel would be unwise.

To avoid alienating his allies and supporters, he must proceed carefully and avoid any hasty decisions. One possible approach could be to recognize the original land ownership of the nobles as the basis for any new developments, gradually developing the newly cultivated land over time. This would require patience and a willingness to compromise, but it would also allow Shirou to promote local development while maintaining his relationships with important allies.

Being stubborn is like committing suicide, and blindly adhering to dogma is like embracing death. To succeed, one must be adaptable to the local conditions, time, and circumstances, and pursue pragmatic solutions that are in line with the national context. This is the way forward.

Nonetheless, it could be seen as encroaching on the nobles' privilege, which might result in some form of backlash. Nevertheless, the primary concern in Camelot is the survival of the nation. As long as Shirou's actions do not provoke any major uproar before Vortigern's elimination, the backlash against them should be manageable.

The key factor in Shirou's success was his use of Agravain to spread terror regarding Vortigern's genocidal activities, which rallied the people and earned him the loyalty of the lords. Despite Vortigern's orders to massacre cities, he was still engaged in combat with Camelot, and only a few magical beast guerrillas attacked the cities. The nobles were not foolish, and they realized that surrendering would only result in a grim fate under Vortigern's rule.

The key to Shirou's success was his ability to unite a group of exceptional individuals within the noble forces who were determined to fight Vortigern to the death.

Although Vortigern's decision to engage in a fight to the death with Camelot may seem unwise, it was influenced by the era and regional context.

In the European world, whether it's the ancient era, the medieval period, or modern times, cities always radiate to the countryside, rather than the countryside surrounding the cities.

And it's precisely for this reason that it gave Shirou time to catch his breath and develop.


With the implementation of the new land system, people were highly motivated to increase their productivity, which resulted in a rapid increase in output. This effect was even more pronounced once the people of Caerleon began farming, further accelerating the pace of development.

To cultivate new land, the people of Caerleon cleared the forests around Cornwall to make space for their homes. They then utilized techniques such as burned-soil agriculture and plow-and-harrow cultivation to maximize their yields.

Following Shirou's guidance, the farmers proceeded to cultivate four batches of land, alternating between food crops, legumes, and grasses for grazing.

Shirou explained to Lucan and the others that this was known as the four-field system, which only required one round of plowing per year. This approach ensured that soil fertility was maintained and that there was no need to leave the land fallow to recover.

One by one, Lucan and the others seemed to transform into Artoria as they eagerly took out their notebooks to record Shirou's teaching. They expressed their desire to study his wisdom day and night, leaving him somewhat speechless.

Shirou sat on the farmland and observed the farmers at work, all the while reviewing government affairs.

He had already introduced modern planning methods to the managing officials. Although they were initially confused, they eventually managed to develop proposals that were acceptable.

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