Chapter 39

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Shirou rushed into the densely populated residential area made up of apartment buildings, shouting at the top of his voice, "Robbery! Arson! Terrorists with knives going door-to-door killing people! Killing all the men and stripping all the women!"

Kiritsugu's bombing had already roused some of the residents in the area, but Shirou's loud yell caused almost all of them to wake up. They flipped on their lights and headed to their front doors to investigate the source of the commotion below.

As the bright lights flooded the area, the residents were startled by the sudden appearance of Diarmuid, dressed as an ancient warrior. Panic and confusion spread among them as they caught sight of him.

Diarmuid, equally stunned, had never encountered such a situation before. Despite his limited understanding of the modern world, he instinctively realized that it was not a good sign and decided to take cover behind a tree, temporarily disappearing into a spirit form.

He couldn't help but feel frustration towards Shirou. Despite this, he couldn't deny that Shirou's actions had effectively stopped him.

Suddenly, Diarmuid furrowed his brows, his mind racing as he tried to piece together what had happened. "The Servant's aura has faded," he thought to himself. "Has Caster already escaped?"

In reality, Shirou had just arrived in the residential area, waking up the nearby residents, and then quickly hiding himself in a nearby shrubbery. He released his Saint Graph, which is equivalent to a normal Servant's spirit form, effectively lowering his Servant's aura signature to a minimum.

The unique aura signature that comes with the Saint Graph cannot be completely eliminated. However, by releasing the fusion, Shirou was able to greatly reduce its presence, making it difficult to detect his abnormality without the aid of special eyes like Gilgamesh's or sensitivity to auras.

However, Shirou did not act recklessly. He had managed to achieve a slight advantage in the recent battle mainly due to the fact that Scathach had killed him repeatedly and simulated various methods of breaking her technique hundreds of times. As a result, he had a basic understanding of how to counter it.

Knowing how to counter a technique is one thing, but actually being able to execute it is another. Shirou had been able to take Diarmuid by surprise and launch a successful sneak attack due to Diarmuid's underestimation and lack of knowledge about Shirou's ability to crack his move. However, this also meant that Diarmuid would no longer underestimate Shirou, eliminating any further opportunities for close combat.

By alerting the surrounding residents and forcing Diarmuid to be cautious about being discovered, Shirou had temporarily evaded him. However, once the residents returned to their homes and no longer felt any sense of danger, Diarmuid would likely launch a widespread search for him.

By that time, he may be exposed!

With that in mind, Shirou knew that before the residents returned inside, he needed to drive Diarmuid away.

But how?

His mind raced as he struggled to find a solution. Suddenly, an idea came to him and he furrowed his brows, biting his thumbnail with a look of distress.

A determined gaze flickered across his face as he realized that facing these heroes head-on was not something he could do.

"My only option is to take a chance," he thought to himself. "I need to go all in and take a risk."

He clenched his fists under his black cloak, wondering why he was so protective of his life yet had to risk it for a glimmer of hope.

The irony of the situation was not lost on him, but he knew it had to be done. Doing nothing was a death sentence and taking action may still lead to his demise, but it was a risk he had to take to improve his odds. One can only risk their life to alter a possibility.

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