Chapter 146

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Vortigern awoke from his dream and found himself sitting on the throne in the army camp. He turned to his attendant magus and asked, "What time is it?"

"It is already dusk, Your Majesty," Meksis replied.

Vortigern rose from the throne, his gaze lingering on the Holy Lance Rhongomyniad beside him.

His mood felt heavy as he left the military camp and stepped outside.

The cold night wind brushed over Vortigern's face as he stepped outside. He looked out and could see a sprawling Great Wall stretching out before him.

It was Hadrian's Wall, built hundreds of years ago by the Roman Empire as it expanded to the British Isles and pushed back the Celtic and Pictish peoples to Ireland and Scotland. Similar to the Antonine Wall, it served as a fortification to mark the northernmost boundary of the Roman Empire.

Hadrian's Wall was renowned for its exceptional sturdiness, thanks to the large-scale Bounded Fields and enchantments cast by the court mages of the Roman Empire at the time. These enchantments made the wall almost impregnable, protecting the Roman Empire's northern border from any potential invasion.

Decades ago, Vortigern had patrolled Hadrian's Wall as a general of the Roman auxiliary legion, guarding against the Picts. Now, the Northern Kings were using the same wall to guard against him. However, Vortigern had to admit that the Bounded Fields on Hadrian's Wall were indeed powerful. Even with the Holy Lance Rhongomyniad, he could not break through the wall's defenses.

"Your Majesty, do you feel emotional at the sight?" Meksis asked as he followed him out.

Vortigern fell silent for a moment before replying, "It takes me back 35 years ago when the Empire was still stable, His Majesty ruled Britain, and Uther and I were only 12 years old. I remember the terrible screams that plagued us every day in that year due to numerous disasters. His Majesty, at the advice of the court mages, sought out a seven-year-old boy named Merlin. The young Merlin prophesized that two dragons were fighting underground in the center of Britain - a red dragon symbolizing the king and the British people, and a white dragon symbolizing the Saxons and the invaders. That was the first prophecy of that sly guy."

Meksis ignored the slight towards Merlin and calmly replied, "I too have heard of Merlin's first prophecy."

Vortigern showed a bitter smile as he spoke, "At that time, I thought to myself that if any invaders dared to invade Britain, I would become Britain's sword and vanquish them all. But instead, I ended up becoming the white dragon, leading the Saxons and the invaders."

Meksis fell silent for a moment before asking, "Your Majesty, do you have any regrets?"

"If I regretted it, I wouldn't be Vortigern," he replied, flicking his cloak as the shadow of a dragon appeared faintly on his body. He then asked, "Any news on 'Arthur'?"

"He is already in Caerleon Castle, and the Northern Kings are making moves. Some are sending envoys to Camelot, while others are going in person," Meksis replied, pausing before asking, "Do you intend to cause trouble, Your Majesty? According to Merlin's prophecy, King Arthur, who is the incarnation of the red dragon, is your nemesis."

"It has to be the real thing," Vortigern sneered, although it was unclear whether he was mocking the "fated nemesis" or the so-called "prophecy."

Vortigern glanced back at Hadrian's Wall, his mocking expression growing stronger. "There's no need for me to stir up trouble. They themselves...are going to start trouble!"

"Meksis, inform everyone that the army will retreat to Londinium," Vortigern ordered.

"Does this mean we're not going to fight, Your Majesty?"

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