Chapter 93

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As the sun began to set, Shirou gathered his things, ready to leave. Kiritsugu walked up to him and asked, "Do you plan on conducting an investigation tonight?"

Shirou responded with a faint smile, avoiding a direct answer. "This is my hometown. Besides, I'm now the second-tallest person in Fuyuki City."

He said goodbye to Kiritsugu and Ilya and stepped into a nearby phone booth to call home. He told his family he was heading to his teacher's house to study and would return later. Then, he set off toward Miyama Town.

The atmosphere in Fuyuki City had grown more relaxed, and he couldn't help but feel it was partly due to his increased height. It was once a city where "light" had descended.

As he walked across the newly built Fuyuki Bridge, the smell of fresh paint filled the air, and the surrounding traffic was dense. Miyama Town, once an old community, was undergoing a period of renewal. Buildings such as the Matou Mansion and the Tohsaka Mansion had been cleared away, replaced by towering high-rise buildings, each adorned with the logos of real estate companies.

As he continued his journey, he caught sight of the logo of the real estate company where his father worked.

His father had been extremely busy lately, thanks to the boom in the town of Miyama. The real estate company was riding the wave of quick profits from land grabs, and as a trusted employee of the president, Fujimaru was promoted and given a raise, driving him to work even harder with overtime.

This was one of the few bright spots in a time of economic recession and high unemployment. With so many people eager to make a quick profit, the economy was booming, and companies were hiring on a large scale.

Shirou made his way toward the Church.

In the Fourth Holy Grail War, Gilgamesh had summoned the black grail there, causing extensive damage to the surrounding area. However, thanks to its simple architectural design and investment from a group of followers, the Church was one of the first buildings to be repaired and functional again.

"Eight Executor?"

With the Evil Flower, Shirou absorbed the evil within and detected the presence of eight Executors in the Church.

The sun was setting, casting a dim light over the sky.

Suddenly, black mud surged from within Shirou, consuming him. In its wake, a black, menacing armor formed, obscuring his true form.

He summoned a massive amount of magical energy.

Mana Burst C-!


With a powerful burst of mana, Shirou unleashed a wave of magical energy that engulfed him in a shroud of ominous aura. It was as if he was channeling the essence of hell itself, exuding an ominous presence that matched the intimidating black armor he wore. He looked every inch the fearsome Demon King, descending from the abyssal depths of the underworld.

Although it took 200 years' worth of magical energy to reverse the realm of life and death, but Shirou still possessed the equivalent of 41 years worth of magical energy.

This was due to his extraction of energy from the Fuyuki City leyline, as well as his absorption of humanity evil.

As Shirou approached the Church, he sensed eight pairs of eyes staring at him from within. He maintained a composed demeanor as he strode forward, entering the dimly lit interior of the church. There, he was greeted by a friendly old priest.

The elderly priest stood before the newly refurbished statue of the deity, smiling at him.

"Are you here to pray to God, Ancestor?" the old priest asked.

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