Chapter 196

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Scathach's decision to go to the seaside to hunt sea monsters came as no surprise.

Shirou had been troubled by how to deal with these monsters, as they were not only obstructing Cornwall's sea trade routes, but were also attacking people on the shore at times. The monsters were known to lurk near Cornwall, posing a constant threat to the people and commerce in the area.

Despite the threat posed by the sea monsters, they were all located in the sea. Attacking them with large ships would likely result in heavy losses without any guarantee of clearing them out. Moreover, the monsters were capable of escaping, which was a frustrating reality.

However, the arrival of an experienced sea monster hunter like Scathach put him at ease. He could now rest assured that the sea monsters would be dealt with effectively.

For Shirou, it had become routine business to delegate tasks to others after more than a year of development. As a result, there were fewer affairs to handle than in the beginning, and they could be quickly dealt with. However, this sudden ease and lack of something to do made him feel uncomfortable.

"Am I inherently a workaholic? When I have nothing to do, I feel uneasy," Shirou thought to himself, feeling quite self-doubting. However, he shook his head, knowing that this sudden reduction in long-term pressure was only making him a little uncomfortable.

Despite having entrusted some tasks to others, he knew there were still plenty of strategic issues to plan for. As a king, he understood that his ability to handle these issues was a crucial measure of his qualifications for the role. Fortunately, in this era, there were very few people with a vision and strategic acumen that matched Shirou's.

Even if Merlin's clairvoyance could see into the future, his vision would not surpass Shirou's, who had grown up in that future world. The reason for this was simply the limitations of their respective eras. The environment in which one grows up plays a significant role in shaping their perspectives and abilities. As a result, Shirou's unique experiences and knowledge from his own time gave him an unparalleled advantage in terms of strategic planning and decision-making.

As Shirou stood up and walked outside the palace, Agravain quickly handed over the affairs of state and pulled out a notebook to follow him.

He was Shirou's chief of internal affairs, but he also served as a kind of secretary. He had made this request himself because the more he interacted with the king, the more he realized the greatness of Shirou's wisdom and his own insignificance. He understood that to better serve the king and share more of his burdens, he needed to learn from the vast wisdom of the king himself.

As Shirou and Agravain toured the farmland outside the city, they were met with cheers from the people. They took the opportunity to visit the hardworking farmers, showing their appreciation for their efforts and dedication to the land.

"How is the situation with the mercenaries?" Shirou asked.

Agravain replied, "Please rest assured, Your Majesty. I have arranged everything. We can recruit around 1,300 people, but approximately thirteen leaders will not be able to stay."

"I see," Shirou said as he squatted down to smell the scent of buckwheat. "Try to keep as many people as possible, and for those who cannot stay, deal with them cleanly."

"Your Majesty, you are too merciful," Agravain remarked, his eyes flashing with a fierce light. "In my opinion, we should assassinate all those who control the army."

Shirou turned to Agravain and asked, "Agravain, didn't I ask you to communicate more with Bedivere? Have you spoken to him yet?"

Agravain hesitated before responding, "Well, Your Majesty..."

Fate: I Will Eventually Become the Hero of Justiceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें