Chapter 136

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Lamorak, a Knight of the Round Table, earned a reputation as the Lion of Britain alongside renowned warriors Lancelot and Tristan. His exceptional skill with the spear was unmatched throughout the land. Prior to Lancelot's induction into the Round Table, Lamorak was widely regarded as the greatest fighter among them all.

As Lamorak took to the battlefield with his long spear, the imposing aura radiating from his armor left all those around him breathless.

In the Age of Gods, people possessed naturally strong physiques, and Lamorak was among the most formidable. Even Artoria couldn't help but be awed by his presence, feeling somewhat restrained as she asked, "May I ask who you are, sir?"

"I am but a knight of no consequence, Lamorak."

"So, you are that famous knight," she said in surprise, her expression becoming more serious as she asked, "Aren't you going to ride your horse?"

She posed this question to Lamorak because he was famed for his prowess with the spear, particularly when mounted on horseback.

"No need. Your swordsmanship is undoubtedly impressive, but on horseback, it becomes impractical. Spear techniques, on the other hand, are effective both on foot and mounted. If I were to fight you while mounted, it would be a disgrace to my honor," Lamorak stated, expressing clear admiration for Artoria's last attack. He spoke with a tone of respect, acknowledging her skill and placing her on equal footing with himself. "If I am defeated on foot, I will accept the outcome without protest. You have my word."

"I have no objections. If that is your preference, then so be it."

They took their positions within the circle.

The soldiers surrounding them fell silent, holding their breath as they watched the scene unfold. One was the celebrated Knight Princess, while the other was the renowned knight, Lamorak, who was widely acknowledged as the unparalleled master of spear techniques in all of Britain. The clash between these two formidable opponents promised to be an epic spectacle, and for knights of the medieval era who revered combat and strength, it was the ultimate attraction.

As humanity progressed from barbarism to civilization, there were several transformations in what people worshiped. In the barbaric period, people worshiped strength and nature, while in the feudal era, they worshiped power and religion. In modern times, people worship science and wealth.

The times are constantly evolving, and the economic foundation and cultural progress of each era determine what people in that era will worship. However, during fifth century Britain, which was still in the Age of Gods, the focus of worship was not on money and power, but on strength.

The soldiers in the arena looked on nervously, and even Tristan, who was typically melancholic, set aside his harp and approached the edge of the circle to witness the fight.

Artoria and Lamorak faced each other, their bodies poised in anticipation as they gathered momentum for their upcoming clash. The sensation of momentum was difficult to put into words, but it was an all-encompassing feeling of intense focus. Their muscles were tensed, and a natural sense of awe enveloped them, heightening their awareness of the impending confrontation.

Artoria, however, was still immature in this regard. Her momentum was subdued by Lamorak, and so she had to seize the initiative by unleashing a sword strike with a thunderous wind pressure, aimed at Lamorak.

He deflected her sword strike with his spear, resulting in a resounding metallic clash.


He took a single step backward, while Artoria, pushed by the force of the impact, staggered two steps backwards.

Fate: I Will Eventually Become the Hero of JusticeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora