Chapter 65

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Before nightfall, Gilgamesh arrived at Ryuudou Temple on Mount Enzou, feeling that his contract with Tokiomi had been broken.

He believed the Holy Grail War ceremony was just a sham, which he saw through at a glance. He would often walk the streets of Fuyuki City before the war, familiarizing himself with the terrain and studying the mechanism and principles of the Holy Grail War.

Tokiomi dismissed it as low-class entertainment, but Gilgamesh was able to uncover the existence of the Greater Grail. The converging leylines and energies of the city made the Greater Grail's presence too obvious to be missed.

Despite his initial thoughts, Gilgamesh found the ceremony enjoyable. It summoned a portion of the true records from a certain period in the Throne of Heroes.

However, Gilgamesh sees it as just a game to punish the thief. He knows that if you take it too seriously, you've already lost.

But then, he discovers fire - a flame similar yet different from himself.

It was a divine gift from God, marking the beginning of the Age of Man with divine flames, wisdom, and divine heroes. However, this flame embodied ordinary wisdom and unrefined spirit of heroism, flickering as though it could be snuffed out at any moment.

Will he become an anomaly?

A person who will save the world?

He doesn't know. The only thing he knows is that before he became an Archer, he used his own eyes to glimpse the future at the moment of his descent.

Eleven years from now, humanity's world will meet its end, just like countless others before it. The cause and the outcome are both unknown, but the end is certain and unavoidable.

Gilgamesh, the once great ruler of the extinct Sumerians is indifferent to this news. However, a spark of fire kindles his curiosity

Will this fire's end mirror his own - buried love, hidden rage, and a lonely death surrounded by ignorance?

There is nothing to be done to change the inevitable, nothing to be gained from resisting it. Will this fire simply sit back and watch as everything crumbles, or will he accept his fate with a calm heart?

Gilgamesh is eager to find out. Although the end will likely be the same as the other worlds - inevitable and final.

As a mongrel, the final destination is inescapable. The Sumerians, despite their teachings, guidance, and reminders, could only watch helplessly as the gods they worshiped disappeared, leaving them to become just another vanished race in the eyes of future generations.

Worse still, they were lumped together with the invading Babylonians and Akkadians.

In the end, Babylon and Akkadian survived, as did Egypt, but the Sumerians vanished completely. Even their country's name was taken by Babylon.

All civilizations, all prosperity, all of it... gone with the gods, lost to destruction. All the glory was taken by the conquerors.

Neither the ideal king, nor the hot-blooded king, nor the tyrannical king, nor the wise king could save the Sumerians... nothing and no one could save that group of mongrels and scraps who deserved to die!





As long as this anger burns, the realm will always be ruled by the tyranny of the King!

A hero must possess six things, the most important of which are courage, wisdom, and bravery.

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