Chapter 197

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The king has never had personal desires. His only concern has been how to guide his people through difficulties and improve their lives. Perhaps, what the king truly desires are the smiles on his subjects' faces. However, in pursuing this goal, he has neglected his own well-being.

More than a year ago, a catastrophic event shook the land: buildings crumbled, the sky seemed to collapse, and the earth itself was torn asunder. Amidst the chaos, the king stood tall, holding up the sky and supporting the ground with his own strength, without aid from anyone.

The weight of the world that the king bears is incomprehensible to others. His burdens are too great for anyone to comprehend. The king is alone in his struggle, and no one can lend him aid.

Despite bearing the weight of the sky, the king patiently imparted wisdom to his subjects and broadened their horizons. He enabled them to climb upon his back and reach for the limitless expanse above.

No one could fathom the immense pressure that the king endured, yet everyone was aware of his tireless efforts. He toiled ceaselessly, working day and night, and leading from the front lines.

Nonetheless, the king was attentive to the physical well-being of his people, frequently inquiring about their health and even mandating that they rest. However, he never took the time to rest himself.

The weight he bore was simply too immense.

Perhaps that is why the king developed a bad habit.

It remains unclear when the habit began, but by the time it came to light, the king had already become fully consumed by it.

He had developed a compulsive urge to pull on the long hair of young girls.

Within the palace, it was not uncommon to witness the king mistreating his apprentice knight, Artoria, by yanking on her ponytail while poring over paperwork. Despite Artoria's visible anger and shaking, those who witnessed this behavior were hesitant to speak out against the king, as his satisfaction was all too apparent in the pleased smile that graced his face. The sight of that grin alone was enough to send shivers down the spines of those who witnessed it.

For Gareth, who had suffered at the hands of the king, that smile was nothing short of terrifying. She felt compelled to take action, cutting off her long hair without hesitation and vowing never to let it grow again.

Artoria attempted to tie up her own hair, but the king forbade her from doing so and even went so far as to continue his malicious antics with her ponytail. As a result, Artoria was left with no choice but to endure the unwelcome attention from the king's sense of humor.

Perhaps the king's behavior could be attributed to the immense pressure he was under. Despite this, the people of Cornwall still indulged in his bad habits and even went so far as to spread them to others. Girls would eagerly grow out their hair, hoping for the day when the king would come to persecute their tresses. However, their hopes were ultimately destined to be dashed.

Merlin knew this all too well. While others may have remained oblivious, he had uncovered the truth through his close proximity to the king, spending every day and night with him and even delving into the king's dreamscape.

The king's habit of grabbing Artoria's ponytail was not simply due to the length of her hair, but rather a result of who she was. In fact, upon closer observation, it became apparent that the king had only ever targeted the hair of two individuals: Artoria and the kind and gentle Gareth.

Surprisingly, even Morgan le Fay, the king's older sister, whose long, beautiful hair was the envy of many, never incited the king's desire to grab her hair.

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