Chapter 185

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It has been more than a month since the ceremony, and the recipients of the medals still feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. They hold their heads high and proudly display their medals to others, basking in the envy and admiration they receive.

Some even declare that they will pass down the medals to their descendants, so that future generations can see how their ancestors made such significant contributions to Camelot.

On the other hand, those who did not receive medals are working even harder, striving to be recognized in the future. They remain determined to make their own contributions to Camelot and earn the honor and recognition they deserve.

For some reason, Morgan's work attitude has significantly improved recently. She's been working tirelessly, pushing the magi to quickly solidify the Gae Bolg and then starting to create stone giants. What's more, she can't seem to take her eyes off the crimson gold medal on Artoria's right chest. Her eyes glow with an intense flame that makes Artoria uneasy.

The medal has ignited a sense of enthusiasm and motivation in everyone, fueled by both the honor it represents and their admiration for Shirou.

While it may seem exaggerated and even foolish, the reality is that this is a system based on human nature. When others possess something that we don't, we often feel compelled to have it as well. It's natural to feel envious when others have something we don't.

This is precisely why showcasing one's SSRs in the group chat has elicited immediate criticism and even bans.

In the real world, this system was also frequently used, such as during a company's commendation ceremony. Likewise, this system also exists in games, but it has evolved into various ranking systems such as power rankings, equipment rankings, and more, enticing high-spending players to continue spending and deceiving those with less capital into doing the same.

Shirou established this system based on his understanding of human nature. He recognized that the most effective way to tackle issues was not through human intelligence alone, but by utilizing systems and frameworks.

Thus, in theory, as the top leader, he could concentrate solely on developing the framework and ideology, delegating the implementation to his subordinates.

Nevertheless, Shirou's subordinates lack a comprehensive understanding of the concept, and are only capable of handling basic tasks. If left to work independently, it's uncertain what the outcome would be. Consequently, Shirou must supervise them closely and, in practice, teach them the necessary concepts.

As a result, nearly every member of Shirou's internal affairs team carries a manuscript, which they read and record every day, leaving Shirou speechless.

Nonetheless, the results are quite impressive. For instance, Lucan has already mastered the new farming concept and knowledge. In certain areas of agriculture, he can now function independently. Shirou has commended him in front of everyone, which has aroused envy in others.

Regarding agriculture, the residents of Caerleon have been dispatched to cultivate new fields and have already sown all the fields near Cornwall. If they can endure this winter, a bountiful harvest is expected next year, and they will no longer have to live so modestly.

Additionally, the other half of the grain promised by King Ban has arrived, and Shirou has forged a friendship with Ban's brother, King Bors.

If they persist, work diligently, and push through the challenging initial phase, a prosperous future undoubtedly awaits them.


Merlin looked at Shirou's pale face and said, "Your complexion is a bit concerning. Have you been getting enough sleep? You really should rest tonight. If you keep pushing yourself like this, it could have serious consequences."

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