Chapter 81

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"The necessary subjugation." Waver thought to himself as he gazed out at the vast army before him. He was determined to win this battle, for it was the journey assigned to him by the king himself. The king had finally ignited his own desires, and Waver was not going to let him down. "Absolutely can't lose!" he thought with conviction.

Waver had to tell the king about his surging emotions and his ambition to rush toward the other side of the dream. He turned to Hephaestion. "How many troops do we have?" he asked.

"Forty thousand," Hephaestion replied.

"What's the situation in detail?" Waver pressed.

"We have 30,000 infantry, 1,500 cavalries, 3,500 archers, and 6,000 spearmen, making up a total of 32 legions," Hephaestion reported.

"Do we have any war chariots or anything similar?" Waver asked once more.

"No," Hephaestion shook his head. "This is only the world of imagination. It's not a complete account of the king's army. We can only bring out so much."

"How many soldiers does the king have?" Waver asked Hephaestion.

"Sixty thousand," Hephaestion replied.

"Sixty thousand," Waver repeated, a fire igniting in his eyes. "Give me 100 cavalries, and the rest of the troops are yours. I want you to help me rip through the enemy army and pave the way for me to kill the king." Waver spoke determinedly.

"Won't you command the troops yourself?" Hephaestion asked.

"No, I won't," Waver replied, his tone serious.

There was nothing to feel ashamed of. No longer was there a need to mask his humble heart with arrogance. He vowed to learn what he didn't understand, to seek help with what he was unsure of, and to patiently study what he struggled with. The conquered king had already set the best stage for him, so why persist in arrogance?

"Well done," a cavalry captain approached Waver and gave him a pat on the shoulder.

"May I ask who you are?" Waver asked respectfully.

"Governor Lysimachus," the man said, "Pay close attention, absorb as much as you can. The tactics of warfare, the art of battle. This is what you'll learn here."

Lysimachus unsheathed his long sword and bellowed, "I am Lysimachus! And with my army at my side, we will tear them to shreds!"

He went out with a cavalry.

Following Lysimachus, many other leaders came to Waver and gave him a pat on the shoulder. It was as if they were entrusting their own sorrow and their longing in the name of Ionioi Hetairoi, who once marched to the ends of the earth, to him.

"Go to the end of the starry sea and see it for us," they told him.

Waver shed tears and gave a heavy nod, "Yes, I will."

They either drew out their long swords or raised their long spears, loudly reciting,

"I am Governor Perdiccas of Media! My army, march forth!"

"I am Governor Leonnatus of Frgia! My army, march forth!"

"I am Governor Ptolemy of Egypt, Libya, and Arabia! My army, march forth!"


The army charged ahead, leaving Waver and a hundred cavalry, with Hephaestion, in their rear. Waver's eyes remained wide open, taking in the sight of sand and wind without so much as a blink. He couldn't afford to miss this moment.

The general who had marched alongside the Conqueror King for over five million square kilometers was finally entrusting to him the final legacy. Not the tactics of a commander, not the art of warfare, but the essence of conquest itself. The most valuable, the crystallization of war philosophy!

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