Chapter 157

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The magical beasts moved in unison with the flying wyverns, dancing as one. The air was filled with the sound of cannons firing magical energy, creating a deafening clash of power. It was evident that the invaders did not rely on human forces to attack, but solely relied on these creatures from the Age of Gods to carry out their assault.

The soldiers on the fortress were all occupied with their respective duties.

Shirou stood on the city wall for a long time and then returned to the castle. At this moment, he couldn't do anything on the city wall. The only thing he could do was to believe in them.

The first battle raged on for a grueling day and night. Rather than sending troops, the enemy relentlessly deployed wave after wave of beasts, strategically exhausting Shirou's side.

The ability to hold their ground was not solely due to human efforts, but rather owed to the fortifications of Caerleon Castle and the strength of its defensive barrier.

Following the conclusion of the first wave, Shirou came to the realization that there were issues with the configuration of his army.

Shirou's army consisted of cavalry, infantry, and archers, all of which were versatile in their own ways. However, the lack of a logistical support force and a proper rotation system was a major problem. To address this issue, Shirou established a rotation system for defense and encouraged the people of Caerleon to set up a supply line. Eventually, this responsibility was passed on to the more suitable Bedivere.

In addition to setting up a supply line, Shirou also resorted to extorting a substantial amount of food and supplies from the nobles of Caerleon. Moreover, many people voluntarily contributed materials for the cause. All of these materials, including those already present in Caerleon's storage, were then handed over to the steward Aggravain for proper distribution.

It was later discovered that Aggravain's math skills were still inadequate. Although he was an improvement over the previous steward, mistakes still occurred from time to time.

Given that this was a defensive battle and proper logistics dispatch was critical, there was simply no room for error. Therefore, Shirou assigned Aggravain the specific task of supply distribution, while personally overseeing strategic planning to ensure the success of the operation.

Despite Shirou's efforts, the situation remained far from optimistic. The enemy had come well-prepared, having looted and amassed an abundant supply of resources on their way from Orkney. It was even possible that they possessed more supplies than Caerleon.

The most critical aspect of the conflict was the tireless attacks of the magical beasts and the relentless bombardment of powerful magical cannon. Despite Caerleon's defensive bounded fields, they had their limits. Once breached, the castle was doomed.

Morgan expressed her frustration, "If only my workshop was here instead of in Orkney, you wouldn't have to worry so much, Arthur!"

Shirou tried to console her, "Sister, I am well aware of your capabilities."

He gently stroked her messy hair, causing her to brighten up a bit as she replied, "Well, I'm glad to hear that."

Following a series of defensive battles, it became apparent that Kay's lack of experience was becoming a liability. Shirou, being someone who didn't believe in shouldering everything himself, understood that as a leader, he needed to delegate responsibilities effectively. As such, he appointed Lamorak as the overall defense commander and made Kay his deputy.

Although Kay initially agreed to the arrangement, he struggled to come to terms with his demotion and Lamorak's promotion. Shirou understood Kay's feelings and took the time to privately talk to him, reassuring him that this was a sign of trust and that he was being cultivated for greater things. He urged Kay to study hard and improve himself. After their conversation, Kay became overjoyed and more motivated to perform his duties to the best of his ability.

Fate: I Will Eventually Become the Hero of JusticeΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα