Chapter 165

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Shirou used Merlin's Clairvoyance to select the optimal route for their journey. After traveling for a day and a night, everyone's faces were marked by exhaustion, but they knew they were getting close to Cornwall.

To ensure a seamless entry into Cornwall, Shirou had dispatched Agravain ahead to inform the lord of their arrival.

As to why Agravain had been chosen over Bedivere, it was simply a matter of selecting the most suitable person for the task at hand.

Bedivere had a forgiving nature and was easy to approach, but he also conveyed a sense of vulnerability and weakness. In contrast, Agravain's serious and gloomy countenance made him appear unapproachable and commanding, leaving a strong impression of a stern master.

Above all, he was apprehensive that the lord of Cornwall might refuse them entry.

Ever since Cornwall had become a territory of Camelot, it had been subjected to successive oppressions by Baldwin and Ywain. Consequently, although the territory was extensive, it had fallen into a state of poverty and disrepair.

Shirou was concerned that the lord of Cornwall might harbor ulterior motives, so he had instructed Agravain beforehand to prioritize the means of gaining entry into the city, regardless of the cost.

Even though he had not worked with Agravain previously, he trusted the man implicitly, partly based on his familiarity with Type-Moon lore.

The outcome was precisely as he had foreseen. Agravain executed his mission flawlessly, securing their entry into Cornwall. Yet, to Shirou's amazement, he discovered that the lord of Cornwall at that time was none other than one of his future Knights of the Round Table, Geraint.

Although Geraint greeted Shirou warmly upon his arrival, the people of Cornwall were less hospitable. They harbored hostility towards the people of Camelot, particularly towards "Arthur," the son of the legendary Uther.

This was primarily due to the fact that Uther had dismantled the Kingdom of Cornwall and transformed it into a territory of Camelot. Furthermore, during the reigns of Baldwin and Ywain, Cornwall had suffered continued oppression, leading to a pervasive poverty and low quality of life in the region.

As Shirou surveyed the area, he noted with dismay that nearly every person in Cornwall appeared emaciated and weary, and their eyes were brimming with animosity.

He let out a deep sigh, recognizing that a difficult road lay ahead of him.

Geraint guided Shirou towards a castle that appeared resplendent from the exterior. This was the palace fortress that had served as the seat of the King of Cornwall during the kingdom's heyday, and it could be considered the final bastion of Cornwall's power.

In actuality, the interior was exceedingly plain and did not resemble a palace in any sense. But for a lord's residence, the administrative hall was not bad. Geraint proceeded to introduce Shirou to some of his subordinates and other prominent nobles in Cornwall.

Although the nobles smiled and extended greetings to Shirou, their eyes betrayed a sense of caution. Evidently, while they may have been apprehensive of Vortigern's invasion, they were likely even more anxious about Shirou encroaching on their interests.

Shirou had no intention of making any moves at the moment and merely laughed off their apprehension, opting to settle in for the time being.

At that moment, Bedivere approached Shirou and spoke softly, "My King, the provisions brought from Caerleon by each household are meager. They will last no more than five days. Beyond that, we will have nothing to sustain us."

He acknowledged Bedivere's words and turned to address Geraint, "Sir Geraint, how much food is available in the lord's warehouse? Would it be possible to lend it to us for a time?"

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