Chapter 116

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Shirou hesitated for a moment before pointing to himself and saying, "Please take a good look at me. Guinevere is a princess, and I am male!"

Gawain widened his eyes and carefully examined Shirou from head to toe. Realizing his mistake, he became embarrassed and apologized repeatedly, "I'm sorry, I made a mistake."

Shirou was both amused and frustrated by the situation. It seemed that everyone in Britain was prone to mistaking someone's gender. He couldn't help but feel annoyed with the name "Guinevere" that had been thrust upon him.

He had been chased by a group of cavalry who had continuously called him Guinevere, and in the end, the name had stuck.

This was mainly due to Shirou's lack of understanding of the Old English language at the time, making it difficult for him to argue. Being in an unfamiliar environment, he had to remain cautious and analyze the situation silently, which led to him being stuck with the name "Guinevere" for almost a year, until it became an identity he couldn't shake off.

Kay quickly lightened the mood and turned to Gawain, asking him the reason for his visit.

"Well, you see," Gawain began, "My mother heard that her brother, Arthur, was being fostered in Sir Ector's house, so she asked me to bring Arthur to meet her."

At the mention of Princess Morgan le Fay, Kay's expression darkened slightly, and Shirou raised an eyebrow, glancing subconsciously at Artoria.

Morgan le Fay, also known as Morgan, was King Arthur's sister and played a significant role in the downfall of Camelot.

She was not only King Arthur's sister and the daughter of Uther Pendragon, but also the mother of Mordred, Gawain, Agravain, and others.

In addition to her royal lineage, she was also the dark side of the Lady of the Lake.

Since the death of King Solomon, the Age of Gods had disappeared, and this had a profound impact on Britain. During the Age of Gods, every king of Britain received a blessing from the land, and with the disappearance of the Age of Gods, King Arthur was the last to receive this blessing.

After Uther's defeat at the hands of Vortigern, he and Merlin designed the Red Dragon of Britain to pass on the mystery to the next generation, which became Arthur, or Artoria.

However, surprisingly, Morgan was also a princess with a supernatural bloodline and was the daughter who inherited the British Isle.

As the "Lord of the Island," she was capable of surpassing Artoria and turned the entire island of Britain into her own property.

In the Arthurian legend of the Nasuverse, Morgan despised her sister, who was also a woman but was favored by their father. This resentment drove her to spend her entire life seeking revenge, and she ultimately became a major factor in the downfall of Camelot.

On the day before the selection day, she sent Gawain to invite Artoria to meet with her. Shirou didn't know if there was any deeper meaning to this, but he was worried that Artoria might agree to the invitation.

But, to his surprise, she stood silently behind Ector, revealing that he had misunderstood her. Although Merlin had taught her to be somewhat formal, serious, and occasionally clumsy, Artoria was not foolish. She knew that her true identity was not a male and that she could not reveal herself to others, especially not in front of her sister, who practiced magecraft.

Ector regretfully said, "That's unfortunate. Arthur is currently preparing for the selection day tomorrow and isn't at the manor. Perhaps you can meet him tomorrow."

It's worth noting that Uther had given Artoria the name Arthur, which symbolized a male, while Artoria was her real name, known to only a few individuals.

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