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☆ 30. Chapter 30: The visiting relatives on the first day of the new year are bright and attractive, and their Q elastics are soft and waxy...

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Chapter 30: The relatives visiting on the first day of the new year are bright and attractive, and their Q elastics are soft and waxy...

At the New Year's Eve dinner table, the two boys were the most greedy, and they were drooling looking at the food on the table. Normally the food at home is good, but not this good.

Looking at his two younger brothers, Mu Qing wanted to slap them on the head. They obviously had good food every day, but they were just greedy, especially the little ones who were weird and weird. They had to make their own food every day and still couldn't get enough.

Finally, Grandma Mu spoke and everyone started to eat. The New Years Eve dinner in the south is not like eating dumplings in the north. Its more important! There must be many dishes and there must be a fish, which means there will be more than enough every year.

There were a lot of dishes today, so everyone sat at the big table again. There is a large table of dishes. Fortunately, the family members are now strong and eating more because they drank the green liquid, so they are not afraid of wasting it.

Seeing everyone enjoying their meal, Grandma Mu was very pleased. There is no way, people who survived that era just like food, and they also like their children and grandchildren to eat more.

However, the fact that the family members are so good at eating also makes the two old people in charge of the family's farming and animal husbandry business feel worried. What if the good grandchildren are so good at eating that the family is ruined?

Then, he looked at the dogs squatting under the table next to them, looking at them sincerely and longingly. Grandma Mu thought to herself that even the dogs and cats at home were eating more and more.

During this time, they made dog food every day to provide Alpha and the others with the freshest dog food. These two dogs ate tomatoes from home every day. They also had two pots of dog food every morning and evening. Yes, they used pots, and they pooped a lot.

Fortunately, they knew how to go to the toilet in the pig pen, so they didn't have to clean it for them. Otherwise, the old lady would have had to teach these two dogs!

So, what should you do if your home consumes a lot of money? Of course, it means working harder.

As for the two dogs, my good granddaughter also said that the dogs dont have enough to eat, especially Alpha, who is already very fat, and asked them to feed them less. But Alpha always acted very hungry. Every time they ate something, the two dogs immediately came over to watch. How could they eat?

And because the family is very busy, the two old people who accompany them most every day are two dogs, so they try their best to satisfy the dogs' appetite. Otherwise, they really couldn't bear to look at those wet little eyes.

Alpha and Beta also like grandma very much, but only grandma is willing to give them food. Other people will only eat in front of them and deliberately covet them. But greedy is greedy, they are willing to go every time I ask them. Otherwise, what if they want to give it to them, but they dont go in the end and miss it?

Fortunately, during this period, the green liquid may have conditioned the dog's intestines and stomach, otherwise for an Alaskan like Alpha, whose intestines and stomach are extremely fragile, he would definitely end up in the hospital with diarrhea every day.

✓ Rebirth in the apocalypse: I love farmingWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu