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☆ 90. Chapter 90 The prophecy comes true. The sun has been covered and the temperature has gone up...

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Chapter 90 The prophecy comes true. The sun has been covered and the temperature has risen...

The night has passed in a flash. Except for Mu Qing and Brother Bing, it is estimated that everyone is not having a good life. It is very hot in the wild and there are many mosquitoes.

This directly determines that everyone cannot open the tent, otherwise the mosquitoes will make you doubt your life. Not only is it uncomfortable, it may also bring unpredictable diseases and life threats.

The soldiers relied on their good adaptability to the wild to survive, while Mu Qing relied on his mosquito repellent artifact - mugwort to keep the mosquitoes away.

Everyone had already seen this during the journey on the first day. Among the team, Mu Qing was the only one who could keep mosquitoes away.

Even those senior researchers who were sitting on donkeys like Mu Qing couldn't do this. Although everyone brought mosquito repellent potions or various mosquito repellent artifacts, the inexplicable effect was not as good as Mu Qing's. . Originally, there would be no harm if there was no comparison, but after the comparison, everyone felt at ease.

Therefore, after everyone smelled Mu Qing's pleasant mugwort aroma, some young researchers intentionally or unintentionally approached her to set up a tent the night before. Senior researchers don't have to worry about this. Someone has naturally arranged it for them, and more of their subordinates are close to Mu Qing.

Of course, those who have such little thoughts are usually observant girls, and those men with rough minds do not have so many ideas. Although they were actually more troubled by mosquitoes during the day, with their pre-apocalyptic training and their perseverance, this difficulty was nothing to them.

You know, some of them have served in the Turpan Basin, where there is a place where mosquitoes can bite people to death. Therefore, they are unpretentious and do not notice these details at all.

It wasn't cool when I woke up early in the morning. On the contrary, it was a bit stuffy because there was no ventilation in the mountains and forests.

Before the end of the world, the temperature was considered to be the lowest in the early morning, but at this time, even the lowest and coolest time of the day, the temperature was almost 30 degrees.

The temperature in this post-apocalyptic morning is almost as hot as the summer afternoons in the past, making people feel restless even when they get up in the morning. Although Mu Qing had not endured hardship during this period, she had endured ten years of hardship in her previous life, and she did not think it was anything intolerable.

Therefore, although she seems to have the most exquisite life, among the young girls, or except for Brother Bing, she may be the best adapted.

Early in the morning, after finishing her meal, Mu Qing had just put down her bowl when she saw an old researcher with trembling white hair coming to look for her. This flattered her.

"Xiao Mu, I heard that you have a lot of plants at home..." The researcher's surname is Jiang. He is a distant relative of Jiang Lele. He has also heard Jiang Lele talk about Mu Qing.

"It's okay. I just wanted to make a bed and breakfast before the end of the world, so I bought more." Mu Qing smiled. Even if he was suspected for buying a large amount of seeds before the end of the world, he was just wondering where he got some inside information. That's all, instead of doubting that she was reborn or something.

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