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☆ 67. Chapter 67 Finally paid the rent. I was left behind by the times and finally submerged in...

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Chapter 67 Finally paid the rent and was left behind by the times, and was finally submerged in...

Hao Fang's words were really unpleasant, tearing off their faces and stepping on them. But they all had nothing to say because they were wrong!

What Hao Fang said, their faces gradually started to get hot and eventually turned crimson.

They all know that it is not good for them to do this. But if this is not the case, then what can we do? It is all in this difficult world. They

all know the future relatively well, but they are all deceiving themselves.

Therefore, their behavior is so contradictory. On the one hand, they do not want to pay, but they want to keep food. On the other hand, they still want to return to their previous decent lives. Although not rich enough, it is considered respectable in the local area.

"Okay..." Finally, Si Yannian stood up, and his family followed him in silence.

Cui Yue's family was the only one left in the living room downstairs. "Sister Fang, we know it too. Just ask for the same thing as Silei's family. Let's go move things."

Hao Fang dealt with this. After being together as a family, I finally felt a little better, but I still sighed when I thought about my son who was not living up to expectations. It just depends on when he can think about it.

Anyway, the world has changed. Now my family's conditions are pretty good, and my son won't have to worry about not getting a wife. When school starts again in the future, he can continue to go to school, and he won't have to worry about not having a good wife in the future.

Of course, Wang He upstairs was really sad when he heard Slei's words, and now he has gone back to his room to rest.

Downstairs, as soon as Slay and the others entered the room, Slay cried, "Mom, how could they do this?" Her slightly fleshy face was now covered with tears, but due to the lack of shampoo, her previously fluffy face The short hair has no shape now, and it looks a bit hard to describe.

"Daughter, listen to your mother. She thinks Wang He is good..." Silei's mother Gao Ya was different from what her husband thought. She had come out of her previous secret mentality.

"Mom..." Slay looked at her mother in disbelief.

"Leilei, the world has changed now, and the previous social status has changed a long time ago. Didn't you want to find someone from the capital before? Now the capital is in Rongcheng, and Wang He's family's conditions are pretty good." "

You You're a woman, don't talk nonsense!" Si Yannian didn't want to hear such words. He also thought about continuing his small business after social order was restored in the future, "Leilei, don't listen to your mother."

The family stopped saying anything, The two elderly people in the family have long been tortured by life and have no idea at this time. Now one more day of living is earned in one day.

The two families quickly packed up their things and even transported the food. The food for the outsiders was not as much as that for the locals. When they came, they could buy it, but there were still a lot of people to settle in the family, and the family was worth thousands of dollars. There were too many things to deal with. Buying food was important, but it didn't take all the energy.

When the locals purchase it, it's really a waste of money, let alone their own cars. If they go there to buy a car and bring it back, they can come back again. As long as you can transport it, you can buy it. If you can't transport it, you'd better take a break. There are still many people behind, and they are all piled up at the door. Do you want others to buy it?

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