[𝟭𝟮𝟲] ⚠️ Sᴇᴄʀᴇᴛs - 𝚃𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚆𝚘𝚕𝚏 𝙰𝚄 - ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋

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Y/N - your name
C/N - crush's name

Song: "One Day" - Lovejoy

requested by @Annelise52

⚠️deceased mother, serious argument with brother⚠️


Beacon Hills wasn't an ordinary town; but only a small amount of people who lived there knew that. Y/N Stilinski was one of them, along with with her older brother, Stiles. There was only a year between them, with him in junior year and her in sophomore. They were very close, which is why it didn't take long for her to figure out what was going on with him and his best friend, Scott. Like her brother, Y/N had already been open to the concept of the supernatural.

From that point in her freshman year and Stiles and Scott's sophomore, they had been thrown into the supernatural world more and more. With Peter Hale, Jackson the kanima and Derek's pack all becoming defeated obstacles, it was the beginning of a new school year. Of course, Derek was now an ally, but that didn't mean that Stiles trusted him (or any of his family, for that matter). And that especially included Derek's younger brother, who was in the same year as Stiles: C/N.

He had returned to the small town during the kanima problems, and Y/N had found herself growing an attraction to him, that he returned. Soon, they were dating, and Y/N had even gotten Derek to give her the bite, taking the risk of death to turn werewolf. It had worked, but she was yet to experience her first full moon, and knew she probably would have lost control of her emotions if C/N hadn't kept her grounded. It was a miracle Stiles hadn't figured it out.

But Y/N hated keeping secrets from him. She would've told him, if she wasn't scared of how he would react.

And thus, the Alpha pack had now arrived, so Stiles was being forced to put aside his hard feelings about the Hales since they needed all the help they could get. Derek's pack were having a meeting in his flat, so Y/N had to go along as well as one of his betas. She ran over to C/N with a smile when she arrived, as he lived with his brother so was already there. They pecked each other on the lips, since everyone in attendance knew of their relationship. "Heya, gorgeous," he chuckled, taking her hand in his and leading her over to the sofa where he sat down and pulled her on to his lap.

"Okay, everyone, listen up," Derek said, leaning against the table. C/N, Y/N, Boyd, Peter, Cora and Isaac all fell into silence and switched their attention to the alpha. As he began talking, Y/N chewed on her lip nervously. Every day it was getting harder and harder for her to keep her relationship and supernatural side from her brother. It consumed her thoughts.

Suddenly, the door opened, cutting Derek off mid-sentence. Stiles walked in, turning around to close the door behind him as he said, "Look, Derek, I don't like doing this but I can't find my sister and Lydia and Allison have no idea where she is so I thought-"

Y/N moved to jump off C/N's lap, but it was too late. Stiles saw, and even if he hadn't seen, he would probably have been able to tell.

"Y/N..." he said quietly, as if he was debating his next move, "What are you doing here with- with C/N... and Isaac... and the other Hales...?"

"Stiles, I-"

"Are you dating him?"


"C/N. You were sat on his lap."

"I... yes... but-"

"Him? Of all people? You couldn't have picked someone with a slightly more innocent past, maybe?!"

Y/N went silent, as C/N stood up and interlocked their hands.

"No, I can't- you can't date him."


"You're not- C/N, you aren't allowed to date my sister."

It was likely the fact her emotions were haywire with the adjustments to being a werewolf, because Y/N never yelled at her brother with other people present, but she found herself saying, "What is this? The 1950s? I can't date someone because my brother tells me so!"

"Y/N, I-"

"No, shut up. Shut up for once in your goddamned life," she seethed, pulling her hand out of C/N's and storming towards her brother, "Who are you to tell me what I can and can't do? You aren't dad! You aren't- you aren't mom!" She regretted bringing up their deceased mother, and saw the way Stiles withdrew, but couldn't stop herself from continuing. "And honestly! Even if they told me not to I'd do it anyway! Why? Because I love him! And if you can't understand that your personal opinions of people shouldn't affect my life then I don't- then I don't want to talk to you anymore."

"Y/N..." Stiles began stepping back.

"I'm sorry, Stiles, but you can't control my life."

"Can we- can we put that argument aside for now? I have a bigger concern..." he continued stepping back.

"What?" she scowled.

He took in a deep breath, "Your eyes- they're- they're glowing yellow."

And that's when the anger in her turned into distress, causing tears to pour out of her eyes. She pushed past Stiles and ran out of the flat, running all the way outside until she could duck in an alleyway.

Stiles went to run after her, but C/N stopped him, "I don't see how you could help at the minute," and ran after instead.

He traced her scent to the alleyway, and crouched beside her crying in a ball. "I've ruined it," she sobbed, "Stiles hates me."

"No, he doesn't," he sighed, sitting down and pulling her into his lap, "I don't think he could ever hate you."

"He looked so scared of me! All because I got angry at him for just trying to look out for me!"

"There's a point when it's no longer just looking out, you had every right to be angry."

Y/N sobbed into his chest, "I just- when did everything get so complicated?"

"I don't know..." he said gently, "By the way, uh, did you mean what you said in there?"


"Do you really love me?"

Then it hit Y/N, that's the first time she had said that out loud. She nodded feebly.

C/N grinned, "Good, because I love you too."

She chuckled, wiping her tears as she leant back, "I think I need to make sure my brother still loves me as well."

"Yeah, you might wanna have a nice little talk with him."

"Did I really yell?"

"Yeah, but he'll understand, he saw what Scott went through when he first got bit."

"I hope you're right."

"I always am, gorgeous."


i need to pee i need to pee i need to pee

[1158 words]

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