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Y/N - Your Name
C/N - Crush's Name
B/N - Best Friend's Name
C/B/N - Crush's Best Friend's Name
C/F/N - Crush's Friend's Name
F/N - Friend's Name

Song: "Best Friend" - Rex Orange County

It had been a while since I'd had a sleepover at F/N's house, and even longer since I'd had a sleepover with her and B/N. We weren't celebrating anything in particular, just having a little celebration before we got too stressed with our GCSE mock exams. After all, it wouldn't be long before we would be too occupied studying to spend much time together.

F/N was sitting cross-legged on the sofa scrolling through something on her phone, while B/N and I played a quick game of cards on the floor.

"Girls! I have an extremely important announcement!" F/N shot up so she was towering over us, "It will completely change the course of the entire evening!"

"Well, what is it?" B/N furrowed her eyebrows, gathering up the cards into a deck.

F/N took a deep breath, before saying, "C/F/N, C/B/N and C/N are all having a sleepover at none other than C/F/N's house as we speak. And, pray tell, where is C/F/N's house?"

"Down the road," I gulped, already knowing where this was going, "You're not suggesting we-"

"Crash their sleepover? Hell yes I fucking am," she pumped the air energetically, "Let's go!"

B/N sighed, "We're in our pyjamas! We can't-"

"Oh, come on! It's only down the road, no one is out coz it's night so we won't be seen," F/N reminded us, "What are you guys? Pussies?"

"We're not extroverts like you, F/N, we can't do things like that," I explained to her with an air of exasperation, "Maybe we are pussies."

"What? Don't you wanna see the love of your life?" she mocked me playfully, making me flush crimson.

Plopping down in front of us intimidatingly, F/N leaned a couple inches away from my face and said, "If you don't come I'll tell C/N you have a crush on him."

B/N started giggling, making me scowl at her before turning back to F/N, "That's blackmail."

"That's the point. And don't look so smug, B/N, the same goes for you with [random boy]."

"But he's not even at the sleepover," she whined.

"That's not the point," F/N grinned, standing up, "Grab your pillows, get your shoes on and let's get moving!"

"Nah, mate. I'm going in my slippers," I said, standing up and grabbing my fluffy black pillow.

*le time skip*

Sneaking around in the dark was a surreal experience- let alone in cotton pyjamas and fluffy slippers. It was kind of cold, but the soft pillows each of us held was enough to sustain a reasonable amount of warmth for the short trip. Once we reached the considerably large house sat at the end of the street, F/N explained to us her plan of breaking and entering.

"Alright, I've lived down the road long enough to know that they always leave the back door open," F/N said, "The plan is, of course, to go through there."

"I doubt you know that just because you live down the road," I rolled my eyes.

F/N decidedly ignored my comment, going around the house to the green-painted gate at the side. It was locked, so she used the house's wall to the side of it to assist her in jumping over. I followed suit, and after me came B/N as soon as she'd thrown all our pillows over. Creeping round and into the garden made my anxiety levels start to rise and my heart rate to increase rapidly. It was too late to go back now, though: F/N had already successfully opened one of the double glass doors.

B/N and I shared a look as we stepped through the threshold illegally and took silent steps further into the house. I closed the door as quietly as possible behind me before following F/N and B/N while they scoped out the area. Suddenly, we heard laughter ringing out throughout the house, directing us out of the conservatory and into the kitchen. From this point we could hear the voices properly now, which were easily recognisable as C/N, C/F/N and C/B/N's.

Tiptoeing into the corridor that led into the lounge area- where they presumably were -F/N paused outside the doorway and pressed her ear to it. She turned back to us and nodded, bringing her finger to her lips in a pointless effort to tell us to not make any noise. Pulling out her phone, she typed a quick message and turned the screen to face us.

On the count of five, we'll burst open the door and run in. Jump on a sofa or air bed while doing so to add to the effect. Also yell like you're on a rampage.

B/N and I gave her exasperated looks but agreed anyway. We were already here so we might as well go all the way. F/N raised up her left hand and wrapped her right one round the door handle. Giving us one final look, F/N lowered her first finger. Then her second.

Then her third.

Then her fourth.

There was only one left, so I took in a deep breath- my heart pounding dramatically in my chest like a monkey in a cage. The second her hand reached zero she threw open the door and charged in yelling viciously. B/N and I followed, not yelling quite so loud but still jumping on the nearest sofa nonetheless.

The looks on their faces were priceless.

C/B/N, B/N's cousin, screamed so loudly I had to cover my ears with my pillow. For a split second, C/N's face went into complete shock but he quickly recovered and just started staring at us in disbelief. As for C/F/N, he fell off the armchair he'd been perched on before standing up and yelling, "What the fuck are you doing in my house?!"

Instantly, B/N and I pointed at F/N and said in sync, "Her idea."

"You guys agreed to it!" she threw up her hands in defence.

"Only because you blackmailed us!" B/N flailed her hands about.

An awkward tension settled around the room, before C/F/N broke it by saying, "Well, as much as you did break the law, you're here now, so why don't we have some fun?"

"Truth or dare?" C/B/N suggested.


Part 2 coming soon!

[1127 words]

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