[𝟭𝟯𝟮] 🧸 Pɪᴇʀᴄɪɴɢ

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Y/N - your name
C/N - crush's name

Song: "Listerine" - Dayglow

in light of the fact i just got my industrial piercing!


When Y/N turned up at the tattoo/piercing place ready to get both an industrial piercing and a belly button piercing, she hadn't expected the person stood at the front desk to be an attractive man. His arms were almost completely covered in tattoos, with a few along his perfectly sculpted fingers. It made it incredibly difficult for her to smile up at him and say in a steady voice, "Hey, I'm here for the 1pm appointment!" She internally flinched at how enthusiastic that sounded.

"Ah, yes! I'm C/N, you're Y/N, right?"

She nodded.

"And you're here for an industrial and belly button?"


"Great, I just need you to fill out this form while I set up."

He was the one doing it. Swallowing anxiously, she smiled and accepted the form and began filling it out with a shaking hand. C/N moved through a doorway with a pulled-aside curtain into what was evidently the piercing room, and began preparing a little table. When she finished the form, she looked up at him expectantly and he said, "Just leave it on the desk," before he came over to check it over briefly. "Perfect, come on through - which do you want first?"

"The- the industrial please."

"Cool, which ear?"

"My right."

"Okay, lie down on your back and turn your head to face the wall please, I'm just gonna clean you up and put some marks to see where the piercing would go and then you can check in the mirror so we can make any alterations you desire - sound good?"

"Sounds good to me."

A tingle shot up Y/N's spine when his fingers brushed against her ear, despite the fact they were covered in rubber gloves. She felt him wipe the area but the pen was too light for her to feel it, so she was somewhat surprised when he told her to get up and check it.

"Yeah, that looks good."

"Cool, lie in the same position again please, and I'll prepare to do the first section."

The adrenaline was now truly pumping inside of her.

"Alright, I'm gonna do the upper bit first, would you like a countdown?"

"Yes please."

"If you start to feel dizzy or anything feels wrong just let me know, but be aware you will feel an achey pain - which I assume you know given your previous cartilage piercings."


"And, three, two, one..."

The pain was expected and tolerable.

"You did an amazing job, well done, the worst part is halfway done."

He prepared the needle for the next section.

"You ready?"

"Stab me."

He chuckled, "And, three, two, one..."

Y/N let out a breath.

"And now I'm just gonna put the bar in, it's longer than your ear width but that's quite important in case it swells... it'll take about twelve weeks to heal at which point just come in and we'll get it changed to a more snug bar - no appointment required." While he spoke he put the bar in, but it didn't really feel like anything because the blood was pumping so much in her ear.

"And all done, ready to move on to the belly button?"

"Not emotionally, but yes."

C/N smiled again, "Cool, can you lift up your shirt please?"

She lifted the hem of her baggy black shirt up to her ribs, revealing her abdomen.

"Pick from these piercings while I clean and mark the area," he gestured to the display on the shelf.

Y/N quickly settled on a simple completely black one and informed him when he asked.

"Yeah, black ones have always been my choice too," he smiled, making her blush slightly.

The feeling of his gloved hand brushing her stomach was even more intimate than the ear, which was nerve wracking. Maybe even more nerve wracking than the piercing itself.

"Would you like a countdown again?"

"Yes please."

"Okay, and... three, two, one..."

"Ow, fuck-" she cursed, instinctively grabbing his shoulder to squeeze.

He laughed, "You good?"

"Yes- no-"

"You're doing so well, I'm just gonna put the jewellery in, it shouldn't hurt too much but squeeze my shoulder as much as you need to."

Y/N bobbed her head, doing exactly that when he put the black piece in and cleaned the area again. She didn't realise she was still holding his shoulder when he finished up, so she sheepishly removed it and gave him an awkward smile. All he did was laugh it off, and extended a hand to help her off the seat.

"I've got a care sheet I'll give to you - basically just explaining how you should clean it with salt water twice a day with a cotton bud for the entire healing time... oh, and try not to knock it, but that's common sense."

"Great, thank you."

"Come again anytime, you've been no trouble at all," he said as he led her back out to the desk.

"No trouble?"

"Cursing and crushing my shoulder is nothing compared to the girl I had this morning who screamed - and it was just a lobe piercing!"

"Wow, really?"

"Yeah, I was more worried about the tattoo artists though, I hope it didn't startle them too much."

"Do you do tattoos?"

"Yeah... but only my own designs, so I don't have customers as much as the others - which I honestly prefer. Tattoos are stressful."

Y/N smiled a little, "Mm, I've been considering getting a tattoo."

"Where would you get it?"

"Probably from my abdomen down to my thigh."

"D'you know what sorta design you want?"


"You know I could, uh..."


C/N grinned, "Yeah, I mean... I'd love to."

"Cool... um... so do I book it now or...?"

"If you want, but let's finish paying for the piercings first."

"Right, yes," Y/N pulled out her wallet and used her card.

"So, let's see when I'm free."


obviously the actual appointment went nothing like this - to start my piercer is the nicest woman i've ever met :)

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