[𝟯𝟭] 🧸 Aʟʟ Tʜᴇsᴇ Yᴇᴀʀs

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Y/N - your name
C/N - crush's name
B/N - best friend's name

Song: "Kindergarten" - chloe moriondo

ya girl's got awful cramps ✌🏻


C/N has been my crush since the very first day of school, back when we were four. Then it was just a little feeling of loving being around him, but as I got older and learned the feeling of romantic love, it became more than that. He fills my thoughts daily and I am eternally grateful he is one of my best friends. Except, it kind of hurts having to treat him as a friend and nothing more. I don't want to ruin our friendship.

The bell rings, signalling the end of last period and as a result the end of school for the week. C/N was meant to be in this class, but for some reason he disappeared towards the end of lunch with no trace whatsoever. His absence hadn't even been reported to the school, as the teacher had no clue where he was either.

I make my way out of the classroom and meet up with B/N, my other best friend. She has a cheeky smile on her face making me immediately guess something is up, "Hi, B/N..." I narrow my eyes, "What's up?"

Wordlessly, she shoved a sparkly red envelope in my hand and ran off, yelling, "You'll thank me later!" on her way out.

A frown etched itself on to my face as I attempted to open the envelope in the now sparsely populated corridor. Inside was a typed letter reading:

Dear Y/N,

You're probably wondering what is happening right now... at least I assume you are. If you want to find out what's going on you will have to go on a little treasure hunt first.

You will find the next clue at the place we first met.

All the best,

The place where we first met. C/N wasn't talking about their primary school was he? And what did he mean by treasure hunt? Everything about the letter had me confused, especially the fact he had obviously skipped last period to sort this out, despite being a normally model student. Either way, I made my way to the primary school not far down the road from our current secondary school.

C/N couldn't have placed the clue here long ago, as it would have been deemed suspicious while the younger students were getting let out for the day. But, sure enough, tied by string to the front gate was a sparkly yellow envelope addressed to no one. Carefully untying the knot, I peeled open the seal and allowed myself to scan over the next clue.

Dear Y/N,

I knew you'd find this one quickly, this was the easiest clue of them all. The next place I want you to go is a little more public, so you may have to do a bit of searching to find the clue.

Go to the place we first hung out together alone. I hope you remember where we went four years ago, when B/N had to bail on us because she came down with the flu.

Yours Sincerely,

I racked my brain to find the location we were at all those years ago. It was a cafe, I remember that much. The name has escaped my head, but I do remember where it was and that's all I really need. So, shoving the yellow envelope into my bag along with the red one, I start walking the moderately long journey to the busy town centre.

Scanning my eyes along the row of shops and cafes, I pinpoint the exact one we got coffee and cake back when we were twelve. It was still up and running, with a lot of customers going in and out. That would explain what C/N meant in the letter.

I entered the bustling institute, trying to avoid bumping into people while I searched frantically with my eyes for the next glittering envelope. Just as I glanced towards the exact table we sat at, I saw my sister sat there with a cup of coffee and a smug look on her face. Going over to her, I asked the inevitable question of, "What's going on?"

"That's not my place to say," she grinned and leant back, "But... I believe this will help..."

She handed me a pink envelope, with the same sparkly design as the previous two. Without another word, I snatched it out of her hand and tore it open.

Dear Y/N,

I'm glad you remembered, I was a little worried you wouldn't. I hope your sister wasn't too much of a bitch about it.

The next place I want you to go is the first place you saw me cry. It was quite a distinct event, so I hope you do have some memory of the time. You cried, too, remember?

Kind Regards,

"Bye!" I said to my sister, before turning on my heel and power walking my way to the local park.

I do remember that day. We were hidden in the bushes of the park and C/N was crying because his mother had just been diagnosed with cancer. She ended up surviving, but at the time he was absolutely distraught. I was also upset, because my parents had announced their divorce that day and I didn't know what to do. Comforting each other that day had made my feelings sink deeper.

And, lo and behold, a pretty glittering green envelope was tied to the branches of one of the bushes in the little closing.


part two should be up in about an hour

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