[𝟯𝟳] 🧸 Sᴜᴘᴇʀᴍᴀʀᴋᴇᴛ Tʀɪᴘ

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Y/N - your name
C/N - crush's name

Song: "Corduroy Dreams" - Rex Orange County

i have a headache ugh

also this is either pre-covid or post-covid so there are no supermarket distance rules


Y/N and her boyfriend were sat at his house playing video games, enjoying each other's loving company with something they both adored doing.

Just as they successfully managed to defeat another team, his mother entered the living room with a stressed look on her face. "C/N... Y/N... my friend's in hospital, I have to go see her... Don't worry, she should be fine..."

"Weren't you going shopping?" C/N said, placing the personalised metallic controller down on the coffee table, "I know your friend's more important but our cupboards are practically empty."

"We can go," Y/N suggested, "We've been playing for hours."

A look of happiness flashed over his mum's face, "Would you mind? There's a list on the kitchen counter and I can transfer the money to C/N's card..."

"Sure, mum," C/N said with a smile, "I weirdly like grocery shopping anyway."

With that said and done, Y/N found herself sat in the passenger seat of C/N's car with the shopping list in her hands. Her eyes scanned over the variety of items with bored curiosity. It was just your average family shopping list involving things like fruit, vegetables, pasta and whatnot.

C/N pulled into one of the parking spaces oddly effortlessly, hopping out to grab the bag for life bags from the backseat. Together they walked to the trolley section, Y/N slotting in a pound coin therefore allowing C/N to hang the bags there. He took ahold of the trolley and followed her as she headed for the front doors. As she began loading a range of products into the cart, C/N found himself watching her adorable concentrated expression with a small smile on his features.

She's so cute when she's focused.

"You guys eat a lotta pasta..." she commented as they reached the dedicated aisle, collecting many different types, "You got some kinda Italian heritage or something?"

C/N shrugged, grabbing one of the packets off of a lower shelf, "Dunno, really... My mum just likes pasta."

A few more minutes passed, and Y/N had disappeared to somewhere in the huge supermarket. Frowning as he rounded another corner, C/N's mind switched to alert mode as he knew she would probably jump-scare him.

"Y/N..." he called lowly, careful not to disturb the other customers too much, "Where are you...?"

After rounding a few more corners, C/N found his girlfriend in the toys' section gazing with childish eyes at the range of colourful games. In her hands was a box of plastic balls typically used in ball pits. She noticed C/N in the corner of her eye and subsequently turned to him with a sheepish expression.

"Y/N..." he said with the tone of a parent, "Don't run off like that..."

"C/N..." she put on a childlike pout, "Can I get these? Please...?"

Giving her an exasperated look, C/N then said with a very authoritative tone, "No."

He repeated that same word every time Y/N tried to plead and guilt trip him over the next couple minutes.

"Come on, C/N..." she whined, "I just want them to play with..."

Stepping away from the trolley, he took the box forcefully off of her and said, "Baby, no. We're just doing the weekly shopping."

Sighing in defeat, Y/N instead walked over to the trolley, where she climbed up on to the beam supporting it. C/N chuckled, resuming his task of pushing the cart around the store but this time with a slight increase of effort as there was a new weight on it.

They eventually reached the tills, and began unloading the products on to the belt lined in colourful magazines and flavoured gums. C/N took the lead in talking with the cashier, which Y/N appreciated - at first. When the teen girl behind the till began twirling her hair flirtatiously, jealousy struck a chord in Y/N's heart. Especially when C/N returned with a happy smile and small joke. Deep down, she knew it was just him being his usual polite self, but it still hurt.

Walking out to the car, C/N noticed the way she had silenced herself and was staring down at the ground in sad thought.

"You alright?" he asked genuinely, taking some of the bags out the trolley as she did, "Is this about the child toys?"

Shaking her head sulkily, Y/N placed her bags in the boot of the car with a sigh. She went around the front and climbed back into the passenger seat. C/N shut the boot, returned the trolley and came back to the driver's seat where he got a proper look at Y/N's down face. She felt stupid: it wasn't fair that she reacted in this way when he had done nothing wrong. But it only fed her insecurities.

"Y/N, baby, what happened?" he said with a frown, "You were so happy before..."

"It doesn't matter," she dismissed.

C/N sighed, "Yes, it does. Was it the cashier girl flirting with me?"

"You knew she was flirting?"

"Yeah, she didn't exactly try to hide it," he chuckled, "But, seriously, you don't need to get so jealous."

"I am not jealous!" she said with a huff.

"Whatever you say..." he laughed.

They drove for a few minutes: a few minutes which involved Y/N sulking, which C/N had to admit was quite cute.

"Y/N," he said softly.

She hummed stroppily in response.

"I love you."

She didn't reply, but he saw her try to hide the smile on her face.


major oof

fait amusant d'aujourd'hui sur moi (today's fun fact about me):~

je parle couramment le français car je suis à moitié canadien (i speak french fluently cause i'm half canadian)

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