[𝟯] 🧸 Sʟᴇᴇᴘᴏᴠᴇʀ Pᴛ.2

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Song: "Best Friend" - Rex Orange County


We all sat in a circle in the middle of the floor with each of our names on folded pieces of paper in a random old bag we'd found. C/F/N explained that his parents were having a little weekend getaway by themselves so we didn't have to worry about noise, and also shouldn't worry about getting in trouble for breaking in. That was quite relieving to say the least, so my nerves calmed down a bit.

B/N grabbed the bag and shoved her hand in it, rustling about until she seemed satisfied with the paper she'd chosen. "C/F/N."

"Truth or dare, C/F/N," C/B/N said with a smirk already laden on his face.

"...Truth," he decided, with a look of uncertainty.

B/N tapped her chin thoughtfully, before having a metaphorical light bulb appear above her head, "What's your biggest fear?"

"Easy. Vomiting. I know everyone hates it but I genuinely have a panic attack over it," he nodded his head. Everyone agreed with that being an understandable fear, so he took the bag and rummaged through it. "Y/N."

"Truth or dare?" C/N asked.

"Hmm... truth," I decided, wanting to be further in the game before I picked dare.

"Alright..." C/F/N trailed off, "I know this is a pretty overused question, but, who do you have a crush on?"

Within seconds my face had become the red stop light, causing me to cover it with my hands. I attempted to pull myself together, but failed the second C/B/N went, "Well, who is it?"

Under my breath, I muttered, "C/N," it was loud enough for B/N, who was next to me, to hear - but only her.

"What'd you say?" C/F/N said.

"Nuh-uh! I only have to say it once," I argued, "B/N heard me."

"I did," B/N nodded, taking the bag from C/F/N and handing it to me.

The name I pulled out was F/N, making me grin with delight so I could get revenge on C/F/N by making him uncomfortable. All that was required was her picking dare. Which she did.

Excellent, because I just so happen to know that C/F/N has a crush on F/N. Unfortunately, I was sworn to secrecy or I would have spilled the beans by now. I always keep my secrets.

"Alright, F/N, I dare you to sit on C/F/N's lap the rest of the evening," I smirked at C/F/N, glancing between both of their red faces. She awkwardly obliged, taking the bag from me as she went. Positioning herself between his legs, she attempted to distract herself from it by focusing on picking a name from the bag.

It was funny to watch as C/F/N grew some balls and wrapped his arms round her, making her cheeks light up even more. "Alright, C/N, truth or dare?"

The game went on for roughly half an hour before we all got collectively bored and decided to play some video games. Sticking to the dare given earlier, F/N stayed on C/F/N's lap as they both held their Xbox remotes. It was kinda cute the way C/F/N held his remote with his arms around F/N.

I was sat next to C/N on one of the smaller sofas. There were a few inches between us, but I high-key wished there wasn't.

The games we covered in the following couple hours we played included things like COD, Halo, Minecraft (who doesn't love it?) and so many more. Let's just say I'm a boss at all of them. Much to my pleasure, C/N had gotten more comfortable and brought his legs up fully on the settee so they were brushing against mine. Thankfully the lights had been turned off so the faint blush on my face wasn't visible.

Checking the time, we found it was 1am. C/F/N turned off the TV, spinning around to face the rest of us, "We don't have to call it a night, but we should probably set up the air beds and sofa beds."

"Just to clarify, are we staying here now? I don't exactly want to walk back at this hour," B/N said, helping her cousin pull out one of the two sofa beds.

"You can if you want," C/F/N shrugged, "I don't mind."

"My parents are going to kill me," F/N chuckled, "That is if they find out. I think they have to leave super early for something so they might just go without trying to wake us."

"Let's hope so," I said, plugging in the air thingy for the two single air mattresses.

I took a quick leave to go to the toilet and brush my teeth, as I find it uncomfortable to go to bed without my teeth being cleaned. I was the last one to go and do this so by the time I got back everyone had taken their choice of sleeping situation.

Despite the evening technically being over F/N and C/F/N were still cuddling, this time in one of the sofa beds. Assumably they had realised their mutual feelings and started dating by now.  Since C/B/N and B/N were cousins, they couldn't share a bed at this age without it being weird so had taken the two air beds. This, of course, left the only remaining sleeping option for me.

Sharing a bed with C/N.

He had the cushions behind him propped up while he scrolled through something on his phone. I grabbed my black pillow and climbed in next to him haphazardly, nervously sliding under the duvet. The room was still dark but the glow from everyone's phones and the fact our eyes had adjusted meant we had no problem seeing everyone in their different positions across the room. C/F/N was stroking F/N's hair who had her eyes closed while playing a game on his phone whereas C/B/N and B/N were showing each other a bunch of their favourite memes. They were both wrapped in duvet cocoons on their mattresses next to each other on the floor.

C/N turned off his phone as soon as I'd made myself comfortable and smiled at me. He slipped down into a lying pose, allowing me to do the same.

We all chatted for a while until one by one we all slipped off into the dreamworld. I thought I was the last one awake so nuzzled my head into the pillow and curled my legs up into a foetal position so I could finally sleep. The next thing I knew, an arm had snaked round my relaxed figure and pulled me into a warm chest.

"I heard who you said your crush was during truth or dare, Y/N," that sweet voice whispered, the octave a bit lower than normal.

It didn't matter that he couldn't see my heated face, as he could probably feel the warmth on his chest. "W-What?"

"It's okay, I like you too," I felt his chin against the top of my head, "G'night, princess."

Holy mother of shit what just happened??

*the next morning*

"I've got a photo, my dudes!" F/N's voice stirred me from my peaceful slumber, making me wince at the light of the room when my eyelids parted. It took me a few seconds to realise I was still a little ball being protected in C/N's arms but once I did my entire face went its favourite colour once more. He woke up next and groaned at the lighting, too, but seemed less bothered by the fact we were cuddling than me.

"Don't tell me last night's joint sleepover resulted in two new couples?" B/N said, "Because fuck me gently with a chainsaw if I'm now the only single one in the group!"

All I can say is C/N didn't object.


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