[𝟮𝟬] 🧸 Dᴏ Yᴏᴜ Wᴀɴɴᴀ Gᴇᴛ Oᴜᴛ Oғ Hᴇʀᴇ? - ℂ𝕆𝕃𝕃𝔸𝔹

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Y/N - your name
C/N - crush's name
B/F/N - best friend's name

Song: "despair" - leo.

first part is in pandas-and-peaches book!


"Ok," C/N replied with a skeptical expression.

An uncomfortable silence settled over us as the stars twinkled in the surprisingly clear night sky, my thoughts wandering to the millions of ways this scenario could possibly go. I eventually heard C/N cough in an "ahem" kind of way, which was followed by him saying something that piqued curiosity in my heart.

"You know... I should probably tell you the real reason why I wanted to come up here with you," his breath hitched at the end, as if he was struggling to find the right words.

"What?" I egged him on, making his eyes lock on to mine and a warm blush rise on his cheeks.

"I love you, Y/N," he said in a hushed tone, "I have for years."

I don't know what it was that made me react in the way I did, or what came over me in that very moment. Maybe it was the shock of the words, or the voice in the back of my head that told me I wasn't ready for a relationship. Or perhaps it was my insecurities that told me he was just lying, despite the fact I knew C/N would never lie about something so serious.

Whatever the reason was, I found myself saying a rushed, "I've got to go... I'll see you... uh... later."

And with that said, I rushingly stood up and hurried back down to the ground floor. I pushed through all the people crowding the room with my mind telling me just how stupid I'd been to leave him like that. For fuck's sake! Who rejects the very person they've had a crush on for years like that? An idiot, that's who.

I'm such a fucking idiot.

How will I handle school on Monday?


Naturally, I spent the entire weekend wallowing in self pity in my room, ignoring the numerous texts and calls from B/F/N. Nothing could possibly mentally prepare me for Monday. Nothing.

C/N probably hates himself, and me, now.

But the morning came and I found myself stood outside of the school gates nervously fiddling with my tie. Walking through with my eyes flicking nervously around hoping that C/N wasn't present, I instead noticed a worried-looking B/F/N charging towards me.

"Y/N! Are you okay? Why haven't you answered my texts? Or my calls?" she blurted.

Ignoring her questions, I said through gritted teeth, "I told you me going to your party was a bad idea."

"Why? What happened?" B/F/N she frowned immediately, moving to walk beside me into the school building.

"C/N told me he loves me," I sighed.

"What? That's good news, isn't it...?" at my silence, her face fell, "You reacted badly, didn't you?"

"How does 'I've got to go' sound?"

B/F/N wrapped an arm round me, "Pretty heart crushing. Why did you say that?"

"I don't know!" I said, "I panicked, okay?"

"Well, um, I don't wanna be that person but... we've got gym first... with the boys' class..."

Facepalming, I breathed a panicked, "And we're doing ballroom dancing..."

As if my Monday couldn't get off to an even worse start, I could feel C/N staring at me in the gym hall.

The teacher paired us up, and as my luck goes, she put me with none other than C/N. Someone up there was really trying me today; I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt when his melancholy eyes locked with mine. We completed the warm ups, before our teacher began teaching us some simple steps. Silence was settled over the room at this moment, meaning conversation was easily avoided.

But the second the music started, everyone started chatting.

"Look, Y/N, about Friday night... I'm sorry..." he started, "It's my fault. I shouldn't have told you that... I've probably ruined our friendship now..."


He cut me off, "No, it's not fair on you. I shouldn't have just told you that I love you like that. That's way too much pressure on someone. I'm really really sorry."


"Look, I know things will never be the same between us but will you at least forgive me so we can try and move on...?"

"C/N... listen to me, please..." I finally managed to speak, "It's not your fault-"

"But it is! I shouldn't have told you that so suddenly... especially after you'd almost gotten harassed..." he interrupted, yet again, making me raise my voice.

"C/N. Listen to me. It wasn't your fault."


"Listen. To. Me. It wasn't your fault. It was mine. I shouldn't have run out on you like that," I said, relieved to finally be lifting the weight on my shoulders, "I guess I just panicked in the moment, and I don't why so I'm so so so sorry. It wasn't fair for me to respond like that when you just admitted something so important. I guess I was just in denial about the fact I love you..."

The second I realised what I'd said, I trailed off and averted his eyes with the prominent tomato face being evident to everyone who cared to glance in our direction.

"You... what...?" he stuttered, stopping the simple movements we were doing together.

"Y/N, C/N! Keep moving!" the teacher snapped. As we tried to get back to the rhythm C/N started talking again.

"Y/N... I don't want to pressure you into anything and we can take it as slow as you want..." he breathed nervously, "But will you be my girlfriend?"

Every fibre of my being was focused on making me not panic, and it somewhat succeeded despite my answer being anything but romantic, "I mean- yeah- but- I... may freak out a lot..."

C/N just grinned and said, "Well then I think you need someone to calm you down... I don't think B/F/N is the best at it."

"Hey, don't insult my best friend like that!" I giggled, accidentally tripping a bit, "But on a more serious note. We are never ever ever dancing outside of gym."

"Wow. Okay..." he chuckled, shrugging, "Fine by me."



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Crush Oneshots | Crush x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang