[𝟭𝟱] 🧸 Nᴇᴡ Sᴄʜᴏᴏʟ

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Y/N - your name
C/N - crush's name
B/N - best friend's name

Song: "These Days" - Wallows


A new school, a new start. That was what her mother had said the second she told her that she was transferring to a different school for a "better education". Bullshit, honestly. She was doing perfectly well at her old one, plus all of her friends were there. Missing them was inevitable, but arguing with her mother was impossible.

Y/N simply had to accept that she had to make a fresh start at the age of sixteen, which was kind of cruel.

Either way, she found herself dressed up neatly in her purple-themed uniform. The plaid purple skirt hung down to just above her knees, and the crisp white blouse was covered by an indigo blazer and black and lilac striped tie. Her hair was pulled up into a loose high ponytail: side fringe covering the top of one of her eyes.

She pulled on her black high tops and left the house, school bag resting on her back. Various students from her old school were strolling in the opposite direction to her, as the two schools were in the same catchment. Only now did she properly notice that pupils from her new school lived on her street.

Y/N passed a couple friends from her old school, of whom she politely waved to but suddenly felt distant from. After a while her pace levelled with that of a girl heading the same way as her and wearing similar attire. Judging by her appearance, she was probably in the same year as Y/N.

"Uh, hi..." Y/N started out, "I'm new to the school... My name's Y/N."

"Oh, hi!" the girl grinned adorably, making Y/N relieved that she was nice, "I'm B/N. I can show you round the school when we get there if you like."

During the rest of the journey, B/N and Y/N exchanged playful conversation and soon found out they were in the same form room and shared many classes. The second they arrived at the school gates, Y/N realised how much wealthier this school was than her old one. Everything was pristinely polished and all the students evidently took pride in their uniform appearance. She vaguely understood why her parents transferred her here.

They entered the school grounds, Y/N's eye instantly catching a boy stood a few metres ahead of her. In her opinion, he was gorgeous. Especially because he was laughing with his friends, showing off his pearly whites. B/N noticed Y/N staring and said, "That's C/N. So many girls have a crush on him, though he's never dated anyone."

"Shame..." Y/N sighed, turning back to B/N in hopes of a tour.

B/N gave a quick tour before the bell rung, guiding her to their form room where the teacher introduced her to the class. Miss Stephens noticed that B/N and Y/N were close already so sat them by each other to make the newcomer feel welcome. Looking over Y/N's timetable, B/N instructed Y/N in the direction of her first lesson (chemistry) since they didn't share it.

When Y/N entered the room, she found herself the last to arrive. She apologised to the teacher, who dismissed it since she was new. "The only free seat is by C/N at the back. I'm sure he'll make you feel welcome," he said with a smile.

Sitting by him awkwardly, she grinned at him and muttered a quiet, "Hi, I'm Y/N."

"C/N," he extended his hand, to which she shook, "Pleasure to meet you."

"You too," Y/N said.

Y/N didn't know who made the first joke, or who laughed first, but what she found was by the end of the lesson her jaw was hurting from so much smiling. C/N also suffered the same dilemma, pleased to now have such a humourous lab partner. Would certainly make the normally boring lesson much more interesting.

"Where'd you transfer from?" he asked as he calmed down from another laughing fit.

"The school at the other end of town," she said, "My mum wanted a better education for me."

Nodding, he replied, "I heard it was a shithole."

"Rude!" Y/N playfully slapped him, "It wasn't that bad. It was... you know... my school."

"Okay, but it sounds like you need some friends here. I saw you with B/N earlier, but one person isn't enough," he said, "So..."

Narrowing her eyes, Y/N said, "What...?"

"You shalt hereforth be my friend," he giggled, "Meaning that you must come to the park with me after school."

"The park? Will others be there?"

He shook his head, "Just us."

"Okay..." she pondered, "But only because I need friends. Normally I wouldn't allow myself to be seen out with the likes of you."

C/N faked offence, before countering with, "I'm not the one from the shitty school. I should be ashamed of you."

"Whatever," Y/N rolled her eyes, the grin never leaving her face.

Then the bell rung, signalling the end of the best hour of Y/N's life.


haha sorry it took me so long to get another episode up, but here ye go to enjoy during quarantine :D

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