[𝟱𝟬] 🧸 Rᴏᴀᴅ Tʀɪᴘ

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Y/N - your name
C/N - crush's name

Song: "Streetcar" - Daniel Caesar

song suggested by pandas-and-peaches - we'll be working together a lot haha


The summer holidays were upon all students, and C/N had just passed his driving test. He had quite a wealthy family, so had been gifted a car courtesy of his parents. Y/N's first suggestion had been an exciting road trip to her favourite woods a couple hours away, and as he was her devoted boyfriend he couldn't help but agree.

Y/N packed an entire basket of sandwiches, crisps, fizzy drinks and chocolate for lunch. Sweets like fruitellas, starbursts and mint imperials were prepared for the journey itself, as well as a bottle of apple juice for hydration purposes.

After putting everything in the boot along with raincoats and wellies (the forecast suggested rain was likely), Y/N hopped into the passenger seat to find C/N already turning the ignition inside. The soft hum of the radio soon filled the car, making her suddenly yell, "Wait!" and run out. She soon returned to her confused boyfriend with a stack of CDs, since his car didn't have bluetooth, and a grin on her face. "Music!"

"You're not suggesting a karaoke session, are you?" he said exasperatedly.

She was, and he gave in.

They eventually arrived at the woods at around three in the afternoon, allowing them to have lunch the very second they got there. Y/N managed to find a bench in the middle of the many trees, and gratefully there was hardly any bird shit on it. Together the couple shared a meal full of laughs, jokes and blushing. Before they knew it an hour had passed.

Returning the basket to the car, Y/N and C/N began walking around one of the tracks in the area. A light drizzle was beginning so they had their rain gear on to prevent getting cold and drenched.

He slipped his hand into hers, intertwining their fingers as the rain continued to pour down heavier and heavier by the second. Grey clouds filled the sky above, but only when a deep rumble of thunder sounded did they decide it would be a good idea to head back to the car. So much for the summer holidays. They took a shortcut across a river, a sturdy log conveniently balanced over it.

C/N crossed to the other side successfully, but unfortunately Y/N took a wrong step and ended up falling into the river. The only positive about the situation was the fact it didn't flow quickly and wasn't at all deadly. Although, she wasn't happy when C/N began laughing, but didn't say anything since he was the only one who could pull her out.

"You're... so... stupid..." he said between laughs, clutching his stomach, "You're... absolutely... soaked..."

She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Awe..." he cooed, calming down on the laughter and pinching her cheeks, "You upset, baby?"

At her lack of reply, he chuckled softly and pecked her lips. He went back a few inches before Y/N grabbed his neck and pulled him into a more passionate kiss. The rain chucked down on to them, their hair wet and sticky as they made out. Lifting his hand up to her cheek, C/N somehow managed to press their lips even closer. He didn't care if her drenched hair wasn't attractive. She would always be beautiful to him.

Another rumble of thunder sounded throughout the atmosphere, making them part and smile at each other with their foreheads touching. "We should really get going..." he said gently, moving his hand down to her own and taking it into a hold.

When they reached the car, Y/N climbed into the back and began stripping herself of her clothes, "Literally everything is drenched! Even my underwear!" she sighed.

"Shoulda brought a spare set of clothes," C/N chuckled, "But, anyway, here..."

From his spot in the front, he pulled off his hoodie and handed it over to her. Both of their coats were already thrown back to the boot. "Do I just go commando?" she asked, tugging off her shirt and leggings.

"If you want..." he raised his eyebrows suggestively, earning a slap from Y/N, "But, seriously, my hoodie should be big enough to cover you fully."

Y/N knew it was her only option at being comfortable, so reluctantly found herself wearing an oversized hoodie and nothing else. It did smell like C/N, though, so that was a positive. She climbed into the front, allowing her boyfriend to begin the long trip back home. With the slippery road circumstances, it would probably be about two hours before they were back.

Dim streetlights shone through the blurry fog, the wipers on the screen squeaking each time they passed. Y/N was gazing outside the window, observing as the droplets trickled down the glass. She loved the rain... well, when it didn't cause her to fall into a river.

She felt surprisingly cosy cuddled up in C/N's baggy jumper, the sleeves hanging over her hands and the hood covering her now loosely plaited hair. Sucking on a mint imperial, she let her eyes flick towards the boy focused on the road. He felt her staring at him, making him spare her a glance accompanied with a small smile.

"I love you, C/N," she found herself saying, her tone that of a whisper.

"I love you too, baby," he replied at the same volume, "Even when you have wet and sticky hair."

What a prick...


this oneshot was a mess but oh well ✌🏻

today's fun fact about moi:~

plaid shirts are my life

[956 words]

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