[𝟳𝟬] 🧸 Lɪɢʜᴛs, Cᴀᴍᴇʀᴀ, Aᴄᴛɪᴏɴ

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Y/N - your name
C/N - crush's name

Song: "Adore You" - Harry Styles

back at it again with ma boi harold ✌🏻


When C/N asked me to help him with his filmography project, I didn't realise it entailed me being the co-star of a short movie he was producing. I thought I would just help him set up, carry equipment, that sort of thing. I was clearly wrong. The surprises didn't even stop there, as I soon found out what the theme of the movie was.


C/N told me his instructions had been to capture the sweetness and vulnerability of love, and he simply had to find the perfect actress to star alongside him. His group later told me they had elected him to be the lead male, and said he should find someone he was compatible with. They were taking the short movie quite seriously, but I suppose it did count a lot towards their end of year results.

The compatibility thing stuck with me. C/N considered us to be romantically compatible?

I didn't know if my heart could take faking a relationship with C/N: I feared it may feel too real, and cause me heartache afterwards. Alas, I was too awkward to say no after already accepting, and found myself setting up with them in a classroom for the first shot. My briefing on the plot was that they would present secondary school romance, which was admittedly an intelligent use of resources.

"Alright, C/N, Y/N!" the group leader called everyone to attention, "For this first scene, C/N will be sat a desk away from Y/N, and pass a note to her. She will read it and smile, looking at him before the scene transitions."

I nodded along with the others, taking a seat at the designated place near the back of the room. A couple others took seats as well to become background cast, making the shot look more natural.

"And... action!" the designated director announced.

I pretended to write in my exercise book as C/N tore out a piece of paper from his own and scribbled something on it. In the corner of my eye, I watched as he folded it and looked to me with his lips pursed. I turned my head to him, feeling myself blush as a natural reaction, and accepted the paper from his extended hand.

Upon opening it, I expected to be met with either nothing or a bunch of scribbles, but found my cheeks heating up when I saw what he wrote.

You look very cute today <3

I let my eyes to drift to him, unable to wipe the smile off my face. Deep down, it hurt that I knew all of this was probably an act to make the movie realistic.

The director yelled, "Cut!" before congratulating us for getting a good shot first time, and then telling the rest of the group to start moving the equipment to the next scene setting.

By the final scene shooting, my heart was already beginning to ache with the fake experience of something it longed for so badly. C/N and I were stood under a blossoming tree in the middle of school field, the sun shining above us on the hot Friday afternoon. This would be the scene that would hurt me most, as we were expected to actually kiss for the finale.

I was dressed in the school uniform: a grey plaid skirt, a white shirt with rolled up sleeves, and the school tie. C/N had the same, except he was wearing black trousers as opposed to a skirt. He looked as gorgeous as he always did, making the searing pain in my heart grow stronger.

"Attention, everyone!" the group leader shouted, "This one's pretty simple! Y/N will he stood under the tree admiring the blossoms, and C/N will walk up slowly and kiss her. Make it look natural. Please."

The director took over by checking everyone was in position, then yelling, "Alrightie! Lights... camera... action!"

I gazed up at the pink and white petals decorating the blossoms of the tree, reaching up a hand to pick one off a lower branch. As I did so, C/N approached me from the side. He was smiling, most likely for effect, as he stopped right next to me. I turned my head to face him, allowing my lips to curve up slightly. His smooth-skinned hand touched my warmed cheek, cupping it delicately. C/N leaned down and pressed his lips to my own before I had the chance to process anything that was happening.

After the initial genuine shock, my eyes fluttered closed and I lost myself in the moment as my hands moved to his shoulders. There was no way I'd be able to emotionally recover from this kiss. This fake kiss.

When the director announced the scene's end, I found I was unable to move from the position I was in. My lips wanted to stay touching his. My hands wanted to remain on his shoulders. My body wanted to stay in C/N's grasp. One of my hands shifted to his neck, as I pulled him down further. Our lips began moving in sync as C/N's other hand wrapped around my waist and secured me into place.

It wasn't until a member of the group coughed awkwardly did I remember we had an audience. I quickly parted from C/N and became flustered. There was a lot to be flustered about: the kiss, the audience, the awkwardness.

"Christ... anyone would think you're a real couple..." the student who interrupted us muttered, bending down to pick up their equipment.

"Hey, Y/N," C/N spoke as the rest of the group began leaving.

I hummed.

"You do look cute today, by the way. I wasn't lying."


just had the first holiday ever where i almost instantly wanted to go back home. "your bed won't make you cry and your dreams have no fears" - chloe moriondo, in Exhausted

today's fun fact about moi:~

my special teddy is called Pinkie (he's pink)

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