Chapter 101: Still alive

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The family had gathered in the conference room. They couldn't believe it. But something felt off. They looked towards their youngest who had been the letter over and over.


"Pretty Boy."




Reid sighed. "Hotch, Mowgan, Gawtia, Wossi, Emily." He said in order.

They looked at their youngest concerned. He was still reading that letter.

"I fint Trauss fated her deaf (death)." Reid said.

"What makes you that Baby Boy." Morgan asked.

"Gawtia loot at fa teturity video from a few minutes ago. Mowgan go loot in Hotchs DVD payer and tee if fewes a video intide." He said.

"What am I looking for my snuggle bunny?" Garcia asked.

"Loot at fa tv. Tee. Fa ofers in fa bullpen wewen't watching fa tameting we wewe." Reid said.

Morgan came back with a disk in hand. "Spencer's right. I think our director faked her death."

"The reporter, could be a hired actor or someone she knew." Emily deduced.

"Strauss has been trying to break up the team for years and this could her chance." Rossi said.

"Fa letter tays it's only fa beginning and she tart wif me tause I'm maller. And it tays she's watching us." Spencer said.

"She could've bugged the BAU. She could also be waiting for us somewhere." Garcia said. Her fingers rapidly typing. "Ok my doves. Nothing that says our director died. No actual reports. The report that was on in the bullpen at the time we were watching our fake report was a about a small kitchen fire."

They worked on a profile. Had Strauss completely lost it? Hotch and Rossi went to her office and got hit with the heavy scent of alcohol.

"Definietly been drinking." Rossi said.

"So it seems." Hotch said.


Humming filled the air.

"I wonder if the BAU has figured out my plan?"

She continued to hum.

"The little one goes first, then the musculer one, then the Italian, then the leader. The women will work for me. We'll travel the world and sell beauty products."

She chuckled as she got things ready to 'break' the BAU.

Back at the BAU.

Emily was rocking a tired and restless Spencer. He had been working hard for hours. When he was finally asleep Emily laid him down on the couch. Morgan covered him with a blanket and palmed his cheek.

"First Gideon, now this. Can't we ever catch a break?"

"I know. Poor Spencer. He brought down his own mentor. And he's fine." Emily said.

"Well Gideon abandoned him like his father. So natuarlly he was pissed to say the least. To be honest I'd feel the same if I were him." Morgan said.

"No argument there." Emily said.

Hotch and Rossi came back.

"Finally asleep." Rossi said.

"Yeah. It wasn't easy but we got him to finally settle down." Emily said.

"Good. The boy needs it. Garcia have you found anything else?" Hotch asked.

"Other than a high medical bill for alcohol poisoning. Nothing. She buys a ton of booze every weekend and drank til she fell to the floor." Garcia said. "Oh her husband divorced her because of her obssesion to totally destroy us. When that happened she went to Hell in a handbag."

"So she's suffering an emotional break and now is major alcoholic trapped in her own delusion." Hotch said.


Hiccups and laughing filled the air this time. Strauss was off her rocker and drunk off her ass.

"My hubby left me, the BAU is still alive after I've sent them off on wild cases to get rid of them."

She laughed meniacally.

"I get them though. I git hem."

Her words were becoming slow and slurred. She threw the empty against the wall and it shattered. She picked up another one and chugged it.

BAU later that night.

Everyone was still working. They even filled JJ in and she started to help.

Lighting lit up the sky and the power went out.

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