Chapter 27: Epcot and Animal Kingdom

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Hotch carried an excited toddler downstairs for breakfast. While the team was eating Reid was spouting out facts about the world. They had to laugh. The kid was too cute.

When they got to the park, Hotch got Reid another wrist band with their numbers.

They rode the ride in the giant ball. It was too slow for them. They rode the Nemo ride and sat at the live show where they could talk to Crush the turtle. Reid laughed at the seagulls. Even though the only thing they could say was mine.

After playing at innovations and having lunch, the moved on to the World Showcase.

"Loot Wossi, Italy." Reid pointed out.

"So it is. Let's go check out kiddo" Rossi said taking the boy from Morgan.

As they explored Italy, Rossi was the one spouting out facts and Reid was enjoying it. The two also sampled some food.

They went to China, Norway. Garcia took Reid to Japan and she had him try on some kimonos his size. He looked so cute. Reid also couldn't help himself from tackling the giant stuff Pikachu.

They visited Germany, France, all the countries. It seemed kinda weird visiting America. They went to Mexico and rode the boat ride. Reid liked it.

They visited every country, and Reid made a mask in Mexico and collected tags from all the countries, the people also wrote his name on the back in the his mask in their language.

It was a good day. But now it was time to relax a little. They went back to the hotel and had supper. After an hour Morgan and the girls were playing with Reid in the pool. Rossi and Hotch chilled out in the hot tub.

All tired out the family showered, and chilled out to a movie. Garcia insisted they watch Finding Nemo.

"I FOUND NEMO!" Reid playfully but sleepily shouted.

They laughed. By the end of the movie they were all saying 'Mine' and 'I found Nemo'. They then watched the Lion King 1/2. Reid wound up falling asleep in the middle of it.

Bidding each other good night, they left for their rooms and knocked out. Everybody including Hotch went to bed with a smile.

The next morning the team headed off to Animal Kingdom. Reid was excited to see all the animals.

Since Reid was too small for some of the rides Hotch or Rossi would take him to see some animals. They also took Reid to the petting area where he could pet some of them. He was nervous at first but he got used to it and warmed up to the animals. He even fed them!

The family also enjoyed the Lion King show. To see his team and youngest enjoying themselves made the BAU leader happy. He had no desire what so ever to be in charge.

Later that night while helping his charge to get read for bed he asked Reid what he liked best so far on their vacation.

"I like jut being hewe wif you guys." Reid told him.

"That's good because that's our favorite part so far too." Hotch said with a smile.

Settling down for the night the two were having so much, they turned their phones off! If Strauss called they wouldn't know, nor do they care right now.

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