Chapter 6: The UnSub and ER visit

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Morgan discharged himself from the hospital despite his concussion and his team's protests that he needed to stay and rest. Morgan was determined to find the son of a bitch who took his little brother.

They headed back to the station where Garcia had just arrived and was waiting for them. They looked at Reid's geo profile trying to find possible places where he could be.

Reid woke up on something soft. He looked around and he was in a crib. A big crib made for sextuplets. The bars were high and the top was closed off so he couldn't get out. He sat up slowly and found it hurt. His arm hurt too badly and he couldn't move it, he figured it was broken. He saw a pool of blood where he was laying and found the bleeding gash on his head. He wouldn't be surprised if he had a concussion. He began profiling the room. It was a baby's room. The pictures were of the UnSub and his family, but the wife and child were crossed out.

"Well, good morning. Happy to see you're awake. Sorry for smashing in the SUV like that, but I couldn't risk getting a bullet in my ass. I bet you're wondering why my wife and child are crossed out. My wife couldn't have kids due to cancer, so we adopted the little one. My wife and son died in a car wreck. Saddened I used my chemist skills and created this drug that turns people young again. No there's no antidote or way to turn you back to a 25-year-old. Long story short, you get another childhood. Don't pout. Be happy! You get to grow up all over again, and I can have a son." He chuckled palming his bruised cheek. "Gotta run don't wanna be late for work." With that, he left Reid alone.

Reid couldn't believe this. He was back to being a toddler and couldn't change back. He had to grow up all over again. He looked around for ways to escape. He stood and found he was locked in the crib. He sat back down and found he still had his phone. He took it out and he still had battery life and service! He quickly dialled the first number that popped into his head.

Morgan paced around the room waiting for something. They had nothing. Absolutely nothing. But they couldn't give up. Their baby was out there injured with crazed UnSub. Morgan's phone suddenly rang. He looked at the caller ID and instantly recognized it.

"Reid? Where are you? Are you okay?" He asked not even hiding his panic. Garcia began tracing the call. Morgan kept Reid talking for as long as he could.

"I've got him! He's at 3142 North Hill Ave." Garcia exclaimed.

"We're coming baby boy, hang tight for me," Morgan said heading out the door.

Reid called Morgan. When he answered he could tell he was in a panic.

"I don't know whewe I am, I fint my awm is bwoten, I have a gash above my left eye, and I have some bruises. Ofer fan fat, I'm otay. Fhe UnSub left for wowt a few minutes ago." He told Morgan. Reid heard Garcia shouting in the background and smiled. He knew she would find him. Morgan told Reid to sit tight and they'd be there soon. Reid shut his phone and hoped they'd come before the UnSub got back.

Morgan put the pedal to the metal! His baby brother was waiting for and he wasn't about to slow down. They got to the house in record time. Morgan didn't hesitate to bust the door in and raced inside.

"Reid! Where you man?" He called.

"Up hewe!" Reid called back.

Morgan raced up the stairs while the others checked out the rest of the house. Morgan rushed into the baby's room and saw him in the crib. He rushed up the crib and Reid was bruised and scratched from the wreck. Morgan looked around the room to find a key or something to get Reid out. Finding nothing there was only one other way.

"Pretty boy lay down, I have to bust you out." He told him. Reid nodded and laid flat on his stomach. Morgan took a deep breath and smashed the top of the crib and lifted Reid out. He held Reid gently and rocked him for a moment. He went downstairs where Hotch and the others were waiting. Rossi told Morgan and Hotch to take Reid to the hospital while they searched the house one last time and they'd be there soon. With that, the three were out the door and on their way to the hospital.

Rossi, Emily, and JJ swept the house again and found the drug in the basement lab as well as the research.

"According to this, our UnSub created this drug with no cure. Reid has to grow up all over again." Rossi said reading the papers.

"The wife died of breast cancer, she couldn't have kids so they adopted but the wife and son both died in a car wreck. The wife was only 35 and the son was 2. He made the drug and kidnapped the teens so he get his wife and son back. He injected himself as well." Emily said reading the man's journal.

"The rest of the research is in another language or ripped out," JJ told them.

"We've done all we can for now. We'll get this bastard later, but right now there's a little boy at the hospital waiting for us." Rossi said. They agreed and headed to the hospital.

Morgan and Hotch were trying to soothe a crying, groggy Reid. Reid's not too fond of needles but the doctors had to sedate him slightly to set his broken arm, and now they were waiting for the numbing agent on his head to work so the doctors could stitch the gash shut.

"Ok sweetheart, does your head feel numb yet" the doctor asked gently. Reid nodded. She got her supplies and told the toddler to hold still. The pull sensation didn't feel good. Once she was done she lovingly palmed the toddler's cheek.

"Sshhh little one it's all over. I'm all done." She soothed. She turned to Hotch and Morgan.

"Alright, Dad and brother. Little Bit here is all finished. The cast comes off in two weeks, the stitches are dissolvable, but they need to stay in for a week so keep them bandaged and dry. He can take children's Tylenol for his arm and head. If his stitches get wet bring him back. Now the medicine I gave him will make him groggy for a few more hours so try to get him to sleep alittle." She told them.

"Thank you so much for being gentle with him," Hotch said shaking her hand.

"Not a problem. Take care of this little one. Bye bye sweetie, take care of the arm and head for me kay?" She asked Reid.

"Otay." He replied sleepily. She smiled and shook Morgan's hand. They left and headed to the waiting room where the rest of the family was waiting.

"How is he?" asked JJ.

Hotch told them his arms were broken in 2 places, and he had a gash above his left eye, but no concussion. They told them when the cast and stitches could come off, and the medicines he could take for the pain. They nodded.

"JJ, you and the girls take Spencer back to the hotel so he can sleep, the rest of us are going back to the station to get the officers and go back to the UnSubs house," Hotch said. They got in their SUVs and went their separate ways.

The girls got to the hotel and carried in a now sleeping Reid. JJ changed Spence into his summer pyjamas, mindful of his arm, and tucked him in. The three girls watched their charge sleep for a while and started on their paperwork.

The boys sat in interrogation with the UnSub. After an hour they got the confession they wanted and the case was closed. They went back to the hotel. Since they wrapped up the case early they decided to continue their vacation that Strauss ended prematurely.

Later that night, Hotch gave Reid his bath mindful of his stitches. The cast was waterproof so he didn't have to worry about it getting wet. He told Reid they were going to continue their vacation here. See some sights. Reid thought it was a good idea. Since he had to re-grow up he might as well enjoy himself.

Freshly bathed and ready for bed. Hotch laid him down with him. He kissed Reid's forehead lovingly. "Sleep well, buddy." He whispered to the already sleeping toddler. Reid snuggled closer into Hotch. He smiled and closed his eyes. The two slept peacefully throughout the night.

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