Chapter 96: My mentor no more

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Gideon made his way to Quantico intent on bringing his 'son' home. When he got to Quantico it was about midnight.

'A good time to hunt.' He thought.

He made his way to the offices and found them empty. Growling lightly he decided to search their houses. Starting with Hotchs house.

Hotchs house.

He got and found that Hotch had changed the locks. He knew the alarm was set so he picked the lock and quickly turned off the alarm.

After checking the whole house and finding it clear, he moved to Morgans house.

Morgans house.

Aware Morgans alarm was set and Clooney was still there, he still picked the lock and quietly moved in.

Seeing most of the house was clear, he went to move to the upstairs but stopped when he heard growling.

'Shit!' He cursed himself.

Clooney growled some more before attacking. Gideon managed took shake him off, and Clooney booked it.

Gideon moved on to Rossis.

Rossis manor.

Hotch was trying his son. He had awoken screaming from several nightmares. A few made him sick.

"Shhh buddy. It's ok. Daddy's got you." He rocked the toddler while rubbing back.

Morgan entered the room along with the others.

"He okay Hotch?" The big brother asked.

Hotch shook his head. "He had a few nightmares. The last few made him sick."

They looked at their charge worriedly. Poor baby. The was the last thing he needed. Hotch passed Reid to JJ when they heard Mudgie growling and barking. Grabbing their guns and headed downstairs.

"Where's my son?" A shadow had asked them.

"He isn't your son. He's Hotchs." Morgan growled.

"No. He's mine and I'm taking him home." Gideon said.

"He doesn't want you. I don't blame him. You abandoned him. But I won't." Hotch said.

"I won't leave him again." Gideon spat.

"Liar." Rossi spat back.

They didn't even hear the gun go off. But Gideon felt the pain in his chest. He looked up to the second floor landing and saw Reid with a gun.

"My own son." Gideon said.

"I'm not youws anymowe. You gave me up the day you left. You desewved fis." Spencer said. They winced at the venom in his voice.

Hotch bolted up the stairs and scooped up Spencer. He held close and took him back to the bedroom. He once again passed Spencer to one of the girls. He took the guns out of his charges hands and kissed forehead. He palmed his cheek and went back downstairs to find the PD there.

Once Gideons body was taken away they cleaned up the mess with bleach and club soda.

Once finished Garcia came running out. She was frantic.

"Hotch! Spencers fever spiked!" She said worry high in her voice.

Hotch took off.

Upstairs Hotchs room.

Hotch brought Spencer and passed him to JJ and went downstairs to help with the PD and clean up.

"Spence what were you thinking? You could've gotten hurt!" JJ scolded.

"I'm sorry." Spencer whispered.

The girls frowned. Emily placed her hand on his forehead and pulled back.

"God he's so hot." She said.

Garcia came back with a thermometer and stuck it in the babys mouth. It beeped after three minutes. Garcia took it out and frowned.

"How high did Hotch say Spencers fever had to be for him to go back to the hospital?" Garcia asked.

"Over 101. Why? How high is it?" JJ asked.

"102.5" She said bolting out the door.

"Hotch! Spencers fever spiked!" She exclaimed.

Hotch took off upstairs.

"How high is it Baby Girl?" Morgan asked.

"102.5" She whispered.

The two men exchanged worried glances. Their worries grew when a freshly showered Hotch and bathed Reid booked it out the door.

Morgan booked it after them. Not caring that he was still in his pjs he needed to be there for his baby brother. He sat in the back with him to keep him calm.

They made their way to the hospital.

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