Chapter 28: Disney Quest

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The team headed down the highway the next morning. Instead of going to another park today they were going to Disney Quest. They heard about it and the stores around it.

Morgan lifted his baby brother out of his seat. The groggy toddler looked around and a lego sea monster in the water. Spencer patted Morgans chest to get his attention.

"What's up baby boy?" He asked.

Reid pointed to the sea monster. Morgan took him over to get a better look.

"Isn't that cool Pretty Boy?" Morgan asked him. He felt Reid nod. He chuckled.

"Still sleepy huh?" Hotch asked. Getting a slight nod the group laughed. Reid was adorable when he was waking up. Looking through the doors of the lego store Reid saw legos everywhere and more models.

"Mowgan, tan we go in fewe?" Reid asked him, pointing to the store.

"Sure. Let's go see what we can make." Morgan said.

The others watched as the brothers played and build with all the different legos. The group took a ton of photos.

Visiting the many shops, there was one Reid liked the best. Goofy's Candy Shop.

"Derek, Spencer. Not too much candy. I want you two to eat lunch later." Hotch said warngingly.

"Yes sir." The two said together.

A few hours later the group ate lunch and the two brothers dined on candy for desert. Hotch rolled his eyes, while the others laughed.

All hyped on sugar they headed into Disney Quest. There were all kinds of games, an art class, a recording studio.

They played the various games. Rossi and Hotch learned to draw the different characters. Morgan and the girls recorded a song. All in all it was a fun day.

Back at the hotel the family settled and watched a few movies again. They watched Beauty and the Beast. When the Beast came in Reid couldn't resist.

"Loot it's Morgan!" Reid said pointing to the Beast.

The family including Morgan busted out laughing. Morgan grabbed the youngster and tickled him. After the tickle fest they went back to watching the movie.

After the third movie which was A Bug's Life Reid fell asleep in Morgans lap, Morgan was asleep too. After taking a picture the family sent the two to bed. They went to bed as well. The family fell asleep happy that night.

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