Chapter 111: Out and about, and the tickle

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Spencer woke the next morning without any nightmares! He slept okay and so did Hotch. Spencer climbed out of bed and made his way into the living room where breakfast was waiting for him. He tottled over to Hotch and climbed into his lap.

Hotch glanced at his charge and smiled. He kissed the top of his head and placed his plate in front of him.

"Morning buddy. Think you can actually eat today?" He asked.

Spencer nodded sleepily. He picked up his fork and dug into his waffles. He sleepily fisted his eyes with his other hand. Spencer was so cute waking up, but it took him a while.

Once he was done with breakfast, Hotch bathed and dressed him. He came back into the room and found the family looking at different shops and places to visit.

Having picked out a few a places they settled Reid in a stroller and headed out.

Spencer spotted a sweet shop.

"Daddy. Tan we go in fewe?" He asked pointing to the shop.

Hotch chuckled. Only his youngest would point out a sweet shop.

"Sure we can." He said pushing the stroller in the store.

"Awww! Hello cutie pie!" The lady running the shop exclaimed. "If you need any help let me know."

"Thank you ma'am." Morgan said.

They looked at all the different sweets. Morgan took Spencer out of his stroller so that he could the chocolate man making chocolate. The two were practically drooling. It looked and smelled so good. They got to sample some different things and Hotch even bought some sweets.

Spencer was back in his stroller and he was munching on a chocolate covered pretzel. Something caught Spencer eye.

"Loot! It's Big Ben!" He exclaimed pointing to the big clock.

"It sure is kiddo. Let's go have a look shall we?" Rossi asked leading them towards the clock.

When they got there it was even bigger in person! The had tours and what not. They decided to go and see what made the clock run.

By the time the tour was over even Morgan was impressed by the clock and it's history. He glanced at the toddler in his arms and saw he was sound asleep.

"Hotch. I think we need to head to back. The kid's conked out." Morgan said slowly rocking the boy.

"I was hoping he'd last til lunch. Though I'm not suprise that he knocked out this early. After all those nightmares he needs a good nap." Hotch said.

Morgan refused to put Spencer back in the stroller so he carried the baby back to the hotel. Once they got there Morgan headed to back room to lay Spencer down but his tiny fist latched on to him. He glanced at the baby.

"Tay. Peas?" He whispered.

"Sure kid." Morgan said patting the boys back.

He laid down with Spencer and fell to sleep with him. Hotch went to check on the two and smiled at the two brothers. He snapped a photo and quietly closed the door.

"They okay?" Emily asked.

"Yeah. Their fine." Hotch said he showed them the picture.

Garcia squeed over it, JJ and Emily cooed, Rossi chuckled.

About a few hours later Morgan was tickling Reid to death. It started to storm badly and the weather person advised for people to stay inside.

The family watched the two brothers interact. It was so cute!

Reid slipped away and tried to run but Morgan was faster and he picked up Reid and threw him the air, caught him and blew a raspberry on his belly. The baby laughed hard. He tried to wiggle out again but Morgan tightened his grip.

"Not going anywhere wiggle worm!" Morgan said.

"No mowe Mowgan! I give!" Spencer begged still laughing.

"Alright. Next time you will not escape." Morgan said.

Spencer stuck his tounge out playfully at him. Morgan tapped his nose.

The others came back with food and they dug in. After dinner they watched a few more movies like the night before. Spencer wound up falling after the third movie.

Hotch took him from Rossi and got him settled in bed. The father and son slept peacefully.

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