Chapter 69: Akron Ohio

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Morgan carried the sleeping toddler into the BAU. Garcia smiled when Morgan when brought in the slumbering boy.

"He was pretty restless last night, so let him sleep awhile." Morgan whispered.

"You got it my hunk a hunk of burning love. Boy Wonder will be fine. Now go to work before you get in trouble." She told him.

Morgan chuckled.

"Yes mama." He whispered. He kissed her cheek, then Spencers forehead. "Sleep tight buddy." He turned and left for desk.

Garcia sat down and rocked the baby.

"Just you and me now my sweet baby." She whispered.

She stole one last glance at the boy and got back to work.

Meanwhile in the Bullpen.

Before going to his desk, Morgan got himself some coffee. Prentiss came up from behind and grabbed her mug pouring herself some and loading it with sugar.

"Careful. Add anymore sugar and you'd be Spencer." Morgan laughed.

"Hey now. I got stood up last night. I needed lots of coffee, sugar, and chocolate." She said.

"Is that what's in the bag?" He asked.

"Yep! More chocolate for my stash!" She said dumping the chocolate in her drawer.

"You really love chocolate, don't you?" He asked.

"Yeah and? Spencer love coffee, sugar, and Jello." She said.

Morgan chuckled. He remembered when the kid woke up after being infected by Anthrax and the first thing he did was ask for Jello. Shaking his head he got to work.

Meanwhile in JJs office.

"Are you serious? We just got back from a case." JJ said.

"I don't care. And it's been 2 days. The team is plenty rested." Strauss said.

"We still have paperwork to go through." JJ argued.

"Again I don't care. Now assemble the team and get to it." She said storming out of the office.

JJ scowled and rolled her eyes.

"Bitch." She said. She got and walked into Bullpen.

"Guys, we got another. Conference room please." She said.

"Got it." Prentiss and Morgan both said.

"Garcia conference room please." JJ called her.

"On my way my doves." She said.

Garcia walked in with Spencer who was still half-asleep. After giving the toddler a quick 'aw' they turned their attention to JJ.

"Akron, Ohio. A string of murders and school shootings have come up. The UnSub is likely a male teen between the ages of 16-20, and a high school student. Wheels up in 20." She said.

Morgan took the still half-asleep toddler and went home to gather everything. At the airstrip Spencer was more awake. They chatted alittle and talked to Hotch and Rossi. This consult was a pain in the neck. After assuring the paranoid profilers they arrived at their destination.

Akron Police Department.

"Welcome back BAU. Where are the other three?" The Chief asked.

They explained the Spencer was a turned into a toddler, and Hotch and Rossi were at a consult in Michigan.

They got set up and something didn't right. They weren't what though. Shurgging it off, they returned to work. Morgan and Emily stopped at nearby schools and interviewed the teachers. None of them were missing a student or that any of them were reeking havoc.

Hours searching through files. They were more than ready to call it a day.


Morgan and Spencer got settled for the night, after a bath, dinner, and a scolding from Hotch. Morgan made a mental to get rid of Strauss when they got home.


"Please you don't have to do this."

"I must. I have to prove something to everyone."


"What does it matter to you?"

"I want to help. Please let me go though."

"You can help. But no funny business or you'll six feet under."

"I understand. Now what?"

"My next victim. Coming?"

"Do I have a choice?"


"Let us go then."

The pair disappeared in the night.

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