Chapter 19: Nightmare Fever

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Rossi rocked a fever ridden Reid. Reid had three nightmares that bad stormy night. The last one was a night terror. It scared Reid so bad he gave himself a fever. Rossi felt his forehead for the umpteenth time and frowned. Poor kid. His nightmares were about his abusive father. The last one his father came into the room and well you can figure that out on your own. Reid had finally given in to the medicine and fell sleep. Rossis instant messenger popped up on his laptop. It was Garcia.

BabyGirl25: Rossi where are you? You and Reid are late!

GameHunter6: Sorry Kitten. But if you check the records I called Reid and I in sick.

BabyGirl25: OMG! You're right! Is everything ok?

GameHunter6: Reid had a few nightmares last night. The last one was so bad he gave himself a fever.

BabyGirl25: I'M ON MY WAY!

With that she logged out. Rossi chuckled. He remembered the last the kid got sick. Morgan and Garcia mother hened him. Hearing his charge whimper, he starting humming an Italian lullaby which calmed the toddler. Reid woke up to the sound.

"Hey kiddo. How you doing?" He asked. The toddler shook his head. "Still feeling awful huh?" Reid nodded. A quiet Reid was never usually a good sign. "Garcia's coming over. Think you can handle it?" Getting a whispered yes he took the toddler upstairs and gave him a bath. Rossi told Reid he'd feel alittle better if he had a bath and was in fresh, clean pjs. He also checked his temp. 102.1 poor boy.

Rossi was right. Reid felt a tad better. Rossi took his chargeback down and found Hotch and Morgan were on the instant messenger.

AHotchner: How's Reid?

GameHunter6: He has a slight fever but he'll be fine.

StudMuffin4: WHAT?

AHotchner: I'm coming home!

GameHunter6: CALM DOWN BOTH OF YOU! Reid will be fine. I'll make sure of it. Concentrate on your consult.


AHotchner: No he needs his father. I'm

FBIHeroine (Emily, via mobile): Chill out guys! Rossi can handle it. Plus Garcia, JJ, and I are on our way to his house.

BlondeandDangerous (JJ, via mobile): Rossi's right boys you need to concentrate on the consult. We'll take care of Reid.

GameHunter6: Thank you ladies. See I have plenty of help.

BoyGenius87: Guys I'll be okay. Just need sleep.

StudMuffin4: Are you sure baby boy?

BoyGenius87: Yes.

AHotchner: I want to be kept posted.

BabyGirl25: We'll keep you updated bossman and chocolate thunder. Just leave my baby bear to me.

With that the online chat was over. Reid snuggled back down into Rossis chest. Rossi smiled and took the charge to the rocking chair and rocked him. The girls came a few minutes later.

"My poor Junior G-man." Garcia whispered not wanting to wake the sick sleeping boy.

A few hours later, they got him to eat lunch, check his temp which was 100.1 and put him back to bed. They all stayed in the bedroom. None of them wanted to leave their charge.

They got him to eat dinner and take alittle more medicine. Before he went to sleep, the groggy boy held a thermometer under his tongue. It beeped after three minutes. 98.8 is what it said. Better than this morning. The girls wound up staying the night. Before going to sleep they messaged the boys that Reid was fine.

The next morning Reid tottled in the kitchen. Hair sticking out, thumb in his, his dog in his arms. They all smiled. Garcia picked him up and placed him in his booster seat.

"So Spence. Feeling better?" JJ asked mother mode in overdrive.

"Uh-huh." He yawned.

"Did you ever name your dog cuite pie?" Garcia asked.

"Uh-huh. His name is Artemis." He said happily hugging his dog.

The girls awed. Rossi chuckled. They ate their breakfast and decided it might do their charge some good to get outside and soak up some sun. They hiked in the woods as the toddler rattled off facts about the wilderness. They were enjoying every minute of it.

Later that night, Rossi put Reid in bed with him. Just in case. Both slept soundly.

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